Udemy - 3ds max Corso Completo Rendering Esterni [Ita]
Ultimo aggiornamento: 2025-02-19 14:26
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Udemy - 3ds max
Corso Completo Rendering Esterni [Ita]

*Si desidera ringraziare kabino/l autore Originale
Cosa Imparerai
-Impostare Geometrie e Materiali in Autocad.
-Creazione Materiali in 3ds max.
-Rendering Base e Avanzato in Mentalray.
-Creazione Vegetazione con Object Paint 3D.
-Importare File Autocad in 3dsmax con link Maneger.
-Applicazione coordinate UWW Map.
-Composizione in Photoshop.
Argomenti: come impostare geometrie e materiali in Autocad e importarli in 3dsmax tramite link Maneger. La gestione dei Materiali Autodesk e le impostazioni dei parametri Generic ( Immagine - Glossiness - Riflessione - Rifrazione - Trasparenza - Auto illuminazione - Rilievo ) e comparazione con i Materiali Arch e Design e ProMaterial. Analisi delle nuove Autodesk Bitmap e suoi parametri. Analisi delle librerie Autodesk Material e gestione dei 1195 materiali Architettonici pronti al loro utilizzo (sono stati realizzati 1195 rendering per una facile consultazione delle librerie) Creazione immagine finale step by step: applicazione coordinate UWW Map, gestione ID poligonali, gestioni librerie AEC per oggetti parametrici porte e finestre, utilizzo della libreria di 1195 materiali Autodesk per la creazione dei materiali di Muri, Colonne, Pavimenti Camini, Falde, Grondaie, Travi, Terreno, Personaggi. Creazione vegetazione: risorse in internet modelli gratuiti, modifica dei modelli tramite Mental ray proxy.
Creazione di vegetazione tramite tecniche di object paint 3D. Utilizzo di Constraint di animazione relativi alle fotocamere. Creazione del rendering e sue impostazioni di illuminazione indiretta in Mental ray, nuovi metodi di illuminazione IBL e HDRI. Utilizzo del nuovo campionamento unificato e comparazione con il campionamento classico. Impostazioni di environment e viewport Nitrous nuovi esempi rendering interattivo.
Gestione dei formati di salvataggio in 3dsmax e composizione finale in Photoshop.
Allegate alle lezioni sono disponibili i file di esercizio compatibili 3ds max 2015 e superiore.
Nota: i file di esercizio sono allegati alla lezione: 074_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad Reload
Nota: le lezioni della sezione " Autodesk Material " (dalla Lezione 79 alla 106), sono incluse anche nel corso " 3ds max Mental Ray Autodesk Material ", presente su Udemy.
Sono incluse anche in questo corso, per una più completa panoramica del workflow inerente il render architettonico.
A chi è rivolto questo corso
-3D Artist, Modellatori 3D, Studenti, Insegnati, Designer
*3ds max 2015 e Superiore
*Non è richiesta alcuna conoscenza di programmazione web
*Un computer con accesso a Internet con Windows, Mac o Linux
Il Corso è composta da:

Udemy - 3ds max Corso Completo Rendering Esterni [Ita]
1. Autocad 3ds max e link Maneger
File 3ds max 2015 Udemy
file link Autocad
- base max export.max (1.13 MiB)
- villa start Autocad.dwg (680.73 KiB)
Autodesk Material
- 001_diffuse color e color object.jpg (133.19 KiB)
- 002_diffuse color e color object.jpg (133.98 KiB)
- 003_diffuse color texture.jpg (152.46 KiB)
- 004_Diffuse image fade.jpg (142.48 KiB)
- 005_glossiness 50 - 100.jpg (143.17 KiB)
- 006_glossiness 35 - 10.jpg (141.9 KiB)
- 007_Map Glossiness.jpg (144.85 KiB)
- 008_Highlights.jpg (139.95 KiB)
- 009_Reflectivity.jpg (159 KiB)
- 010_Reflectivity 2.jpg (147.15 KiB)
- 011_ Reflectivity Glossy Sample.jpg (153.59 KiB)
- 012_Transparency bianca 60 - 80 - 100.jpg (194.75 KiB)
- 013_Transparency e Reflectivity.jpg (210.42 KiB)
- 014_Transparency e Reflectivity 2.jpg (208.66 KiB)
- 015_Transparency e Image Fade.jpg (197.75 KiB)
- 016_Translucency.jpg (188.24 KiB)
- 017_Translucency_Use_Map.jpg (198.05 KiB)
- 018_IOR.jpg (204.98 KiB)
- 019_Transparency e Glossy Reflectivity.jpg (190.6 KiB)
- 020_cutout.jpg (194.79 KiB)
- 021_self illumination.jpg (170.35 KiB)
- 022_self illumination_Gradi kelvin 1.jpg (175.27 KiB)
- 023_self illumination_Gradi kelvin 2.jpg (173.7 KiB)
- 024_self illumination_Color 3.jpg (176.92 KiB)
- 025_self illumination_end.jpg (198.99 KiB)
- 026_bump.jpg (183.05 KiB)
- 027_AO 20 - 40 - 60.jpg (172.53 KiB)
- 028_AO 20 - 40 - 60 senza blend.jpg (172.07 KiB)
- 029_Round corner.jpg (79.05 KiB)
- 030_Max refraction 6.jpg (204.82 KiB)
- 031_Max refraction 1.jpg (176.51 KiB)
- 032_Max refraction 15.jpg (199.89 KiB)
- 033_Autodesk_Bitmap.jpg (120.83 KiB)
- 034_Autodesk_Bitmap pyramidal 3 m 55 sec.jpg (191.63 KiB)
- 035_Autodesk_Bitmap Summed Area 3 m 58 sec.jpg (191.75 KiB)
Composizione Photoshop
- 001_Villa_base.tif (1.09 MiB)
- 001_Villa_end.psd (2.2 MiB)
- 001_Villa_end.tif (857.09 KiB)
- Sky.tif (833.54 KiB)
- 001_Autodesk_Generic_image.jpg (93.58 KiB)
- 002 villa.jpg (229.25 KiB)
- 003 villa.jpg (251.15 KiB)
- 004 villa.jpg (252.35 KiB)
- 005 villa.jpg (213.42 KiB)
- 006 villa.jpg (257.64 KiB)
- 007 villa.jpg (260.91 KiB)
- 008 villa.jpg (220.08 KiB)
- 009 villa.jpg (249 KiB)
- 010 villa.JPG (369.68 KiB)
- 017_Villa.jpg (131.87 KiB)
- 018_Villa.jpg (89.39 KiB)
- 019_Villa.jpg (130.5 KiB)
- 020_Villa.jpg (133.89 KiB)
- 021_Villa.jpg (193.13 KiB)
- 022_Villa.jpg (205.9 KiB)
- 023_Villa.jpg (168.79 KiB)
- 024_Villa.jpg (199.67 KiB)
- 025_Villa.jpg (233.4 KiB)
- 026_Villa.jpg (208.69 KiB)
- 027_Villa.jpg (219.91 KiB)
- 028_Villa.jpg (254.93 KiB)
- 028_Villa_Unified.jpg (241.92 KiB)
- 029_big render.jpg (519.5 KiB)
- 030_big render Unified.jpg (531.25 KiB)
- 031_ibl clay Villa.jpg (211.71 KiB)
- 031_ibl Villa.jpg (238.46 KiB)
- 032_Erba Villa end.jpg (481.3 KiB)
- 033_Erba Villa end.jpg (449.1 KiB)
- 034_Erba Villa IBl clay end.jpg (414.19 KiB)
- 035_Erba Villa IBl end.jpg (506.81 KiB)
- Paint object erba.JPG (37.12 KiB)
Rendering Libreria Autodesk Material
001 Ceramic Porcelain
- 001 Ceramic Porcelain Golden Sand.jpg (53.62 KiB)
- 002 Ceramic Porcelain Ice White.jpg (54.07 KiB)
- 003 Ceramic Porcelain Navy Blue.jpg (54.36 KiB)
- 004 Ceramic Porcelain Neutral Gray.jpg (53.29 KiB)
- 005 Ceramic Porcelain Peach.jpg (53.08 KiB)
- 006 Ceramic Porcelain Sandy Taupe.jpg (53.51 KiB)
- 007 Ceramic Porcelain Sea Side Blue.jpg (54.22 KiB)
- 008 Ceramic Porcelain Sunny Day.jpg (53.26 KiB)
- 009 Ceramic Porcelain White.jpg (53.62 KiB)
002 Ceramic Tile
- 001 Ceramic Tile 1.5in Square - Brown.jpg (75.02 KiB)
- 002 Ceramic Tile 1.5in Square - Medium Blue.jpg (81.16 KiB)
- 003 Ceramic Tile 1.5in Square - Slate Blue.jpg (71.41 KiB)
- 004 Ceramic Tile 1.5in Square - Tan.jpg (77.19 KiB)
- 005 Ceramic Tile 1in Square - Ivory.jpg (64.63 KiB)
- 006 Ceramic Tile 1in Squares - Mosaic Blue.jpg (91.86 KiB)
- 007 Ceramic Tile 1in Squares - Mosaic Gray.jpg (84.89 KiB)
- 008 Ceramic Tile 2in Square - Salmon.jpg (63.75 KiB)
- 009 Ceramic Tile 2in Squares - Beige.jpg (62.98 KiB)
- 010 Ceramic Tile 3in Octagons - Tan.jpg (64.33 KiB)
- 011 Ceramic Tile 3in Octagons - White.jpg (64.4 KiB)
- 012 Ceramic Tile 3in Square - Terra Cotta.jpg (68.21 KiB)
- 013 Ceramic Tile 3in Squares - Cozy Pink.jpg (62.32 KiB)
- 014 Ceramic Tile 3in Squares - Light Yellow.jpg (63.8 KiB)
- 015 Ceramic Tile 3in Squares - White.jpg (63.03 KiB)
- 016 Ceramic Tile 4in Diamonds - Black.jpg (73.64 KiB)
- 017 Ceramic Tile 4in Hexagons - Blue-Gray.jpg (64.61 KiB)
- 018 Ceramic Tile 4in Square - Light Blue.jpg (64.67 KiB)
- 019 Ceramic Tile 4in Square with Inset Diamond - Gray-Red.jpg (71.48 KiB)
- 020 Ceramic Tile 4in Squares - Lavender.jpg (63.85 KiB)
- 021 Ceramic Tile 4in Squares - Mosaic Beige.jpg (88.73 KiB)
- 022 Ceramic Tile 4in Squares and Rectangles - Light Orange.jpg (64.31 KiB)
- 023 Ceramic Tile 4in Squares and Rectangles - Pastel Pink.jpg (64.96 KiB)
- 024 Ceramic Tile 4in Squares with Inset Diamond - Brown.jpg (63.27 KiB)
- 025 Ceramic Tile 6in Bricks - Lime Green.jpg (64.11 KiB)
- 026 Ceramic Tile 6in Octagons - Burgundy.jpg (59.65 KiB)
- 027 Ceramic Tile 6in Octagons - Dark Gray.jpg (62.34 KiB)
- 028 Ceramic Tile 6in Octagons - Iceberg-Blue.jpg (63.8 KiB)
- 029 Ceramic Tile 6in Octagons - Light Honey.jpg (61.95 KiB)
- 030 Ceramic Tile 6in Octagons - Soft Green.jpg (62.41 KiB)
- 031 Ceramic Tile 6in Squares - Beige.jpg (60.11 KiB)
- 032 Ceramic Tile 6in Squares - Country Rose.jpg (59.05 KiB)
- 033 Ceramic Tile 6in Triangles - Orange-Yellow.jpg (66.92 KiB)
- 034 Ceramic Tile 6x2in Rectangles - Earthy Green.jpg (64.35 KiB)
- 035 Ceramic Tile Checker.jpg (73.4 KiB)
- 036 Ceramic Tile Circular Mosaic - Black & White.jpg (100.47 KiB)
- 037 Ceramic Tile Mosaic - Blue.jpg (82.34 KiB)
- 038 Ceramic Tile Mosaic - Gray.jpg (80.31 KiB)
- 039 Ceramic Tile Mosaic - Rose-Green Floral.jpg (84.22 KiB)
- 040 Ceramic Tile Mosaic - Yellow-Grid.jpg (74.08 KiB)
003 Concrete ( Cemento )
- 001 Concrete Black Control Joints.jpg (52.64 KiB)
- 002 Concrete Blocks.jpg (87.93 KiB)
- 003 Concrete Exposed Aggregate - Warm Gray.jpg (93.37 KiB)
- 004 Concrete Formwork Holes.jpg (70.23 KiB)
- 005 Concrete Industrial Floor.jpg (86.03 KiB)
- 006 Concrete Non-Uniform - Warm Gray.jpg (97.03 KiB)
- 007 Concrete Non-Uniform Reflective - Gray.jpg (62.52 KiB)
- 008 Concrete Precast Smooth.jpg (68.06 KiB)
- 009 Concrete Rough - Pink.jpg (90.2 KiB)
- 010 Concrete Rough - Tan.jpg (90.25 KiB)
- 011 Concrete Smooth Precast Structural.jpg (65.47 KiB)
- 012 Concrete With Stone 1.jpg (90.98 KiB)
- 013 Concrete With Stone 2.jpg (88.43 KiB)
004 Concrete Cast in Place
- 001 Concrete Cast-In-Place Exposed Aggregate - Coarse.jpg (86.34 KiB)
- 002 Concrete Cast-In-Place Exposed Aggregate - Fine.jpg (81.3 KiB)
- 003 Concrete Cast-In-Place Exposed Aggregate - Medium.jpg (84.53 KiB)
- 004 Concrete Cast-In-Place Exposed Aggregate - Recessed.jpg (86.7 KiB)
- 005 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Broom Gray.jpg (68.82 KiB)
- 006 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Efflorescence Gray.jpg (72.37 KiB)
- 007 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Gray 1.jpg (65.4 KiB)
- 008 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Gray 2.jpg (60.05 KiB)
- 009 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Gray 3.jpg (57.26 KiB)
- 010 Concrete Cast-In-Place Flat - Polished Gray.jpg (66.5 KiB)
- 011 Concrete Cast-In-Place Formwork - Holes.jpg (64.76 KiB)
- 012 Concrete Cast-In-Place Formwork - Holes Staggered.jpg (63.52 KiB)
- 013 Concrete Cast-In-Place Formwork - Wood Boards.jpg (71.69 KiB)
- 014 Concrete Cast-In-Place Formwork - Wood Plywood.jpg (64.44 KiB)
- 015 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Reveal 1.jpg (63.68 KiB)
- 016 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Reveal 2.jpg (64.03 KiB)
- 017 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Reveal 3.jpg (60.66 KiB)
- 018 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Reveal Smooth.jpg (68.71 KiB)
- 019 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Reveal Speckled.jpg (70.59 KiB)
- 020 Concrete Cast-In-Place Panels - Square.jpg (69.57 KiB)
- 021 Concrete Cast-In-Place Ribbed - Vertical 1.jpg (62.09 KiB)
- 022 Concrete Cast-In-Place Ribbed - Vertical 2.jpg (58.33 KiB)
- 023 Concrete Cast-In-Place Sand Blasted.jpg (73.5 KiB)
005 Fabric ( tessuto )
- 001 Fabric Bandage.jpg (81.53 KiB)
- 002 Fabric Beige.jpg (87.96 KiB)
- 003 Fabric Burlap.jpg (83.23 KiB)
- 004 Fabric Burlap 1.jpg (85.86 KiB)
- 005 Fabric Caning - Tan.jpg (87.7 KiB)
- 006 Fabric Caning - Tan 1.jpg (87.02 KiB)
- 007 Fabric Caning - Tan 1.jpg (85.78 KiB)
- 008 Fabric Canvas - White.jpg (87.7 KiB)
- 009 Fabric Canvas - White 1.jpg (77.06 KiB)
- 010 Fabric Denim - Blue.jpg (82.6 KiB)
- 011 Fabric Lace.jpg (84.63 KiB)
- 012 Fabric Linen - Beige.jpg (60.97 KiB)
- 013 Fabric Linen - Tweed.jpg (74.29 KiB)
- 014 Fabric Linen - White.jpg (61.79 KiB)
- 015 Fabric Mesh.jpg (101.09 KiB)
- 016 Fabric Mesh 1.jpg (102.43 KiB)
- 017 Fabric Netting.jpg (94.82 KiB)
- 018 Fabric Plaid - Beige.jpg (91.79 KiB)
- 019 Fabric Plaid - Red.jpg (88.51 KiB)
- 020 Fabric Plaid 1.jpg (73.14 KiB)
- 021 Fabric Plaid 3.jpg (75.74 KiB)
- 022 Fabric Plaid 4.jpg (78.96 KiB)
- 023 Fabric Stripes - Beige.jpg (65.64 KiB)
- 024 Fabric Stripes - Black.jpg (57.58 KiB)
- 025 Fabric Stripes - Black-White.jpg (81.09 KiB)
- 026 Fabric Stripes - Black-White-Blue-Gray.jpg (80.05 KiB)
- 027 Fabric Stripes - Black-White-Blue-Gray 1.jpg (72.92 KiB)
- 028 Fabric Stripes - Blue-White.jpg (57.59 KiB)
- 029 Fabric Stripes - Blue-White 1.jpg (60.36 KiB)
- 030 Fabric Stripes - Yellow-Gray.jpg (89.22 KiB)
- 031 Fabric Stripes - Yellow-Gray 1.jpg (79.32 KiB)
- 032 Fabric Stripes - Yellow-White.jpg (85.2 KiB)
- 033 Fabric Stripes - Yellow-White 1.jpg (76.77 KiB)
- 034 Fabric Tweed.jpg (81.7 KiB)
- 035 Fabric Velvet - Black.jpg (62.86 KiB)
- 036 Fabric Velvet - Black 1.jpg (56.96 KiB)
- 037 Fabric Velvet - Red.jpg (71.72 KiB)
- 038 Fabric Velvet - Red 1.jpg (61.09 KiB)
006 Fabric Leather ( Tessuto Pelle )
- 001 Fabric Leather Blue.jpg (97.87 KiB)
- 002 Fabric Leather Brown.jpg (79.33 KiB)
- 003 Fabric Leather Creased - Black.jpg (94.52 KiB)
- 004 Fabric Leather Dark Brown.jpg (93.28 KiB)
- 005 Fabric Leather Light Brown.jpg (95.21 KiB)
- 006 Fabric Leather Pebble - Brown.jpg (74.53 KiB)
- 007 Fabric Leather Pebbled - Black.jpg (78.84 KiB)
- 008 Fabric Leather Pebbled - Light Brown.jpg (74.14 KiB)
- 009 Fabric Leather Pebbled - Mauve.jpg (72.55 KiB)
- 010 Fabric Leather Smooth - Black.jpg (62.62 KiB)
- 011 Fabric Leather Tan 1.jpg (66.56 KiB)
007 Finish
- 001 Finish Lacquer - Black.jpg (61.64 KiB)
- 002 Finish Lacquer - Clear.jpg (59.91 KiB)
- 003 Finish Lacquer - White.jpg (59.74 KiB)
- 004 Finish Paint - Varnish.jpg (57.2 KiB)
- 005 Finish Shellac.jpg (70.18 KiB)
- 006 Finish Urethane.jpg (56.1 KiB)
- 007 Finish Urethane 1.jpg (63.46 KiB)
- 008 Finish Wax - Black on Red Wood.jpg (73.37 KiB)
- 009 Finish Wax - Red on Light Wood.jpg (70.44 KiB)
- 010 Finish Wax - Satin.jpg (56.16 KiB)
- 011 Finish Wax - Varnish.jpg (58.03 KiB)
008 Flooring Carpet ( pavimento tappeto )
- 001 Flooring Carpet Berber - Pattern 1.jpg (86.43 KiB)
- 002 Flooring Carpet Berber - Pattern 2.jpg (83.35 KiB)
- 003 Flooring Carpet Berber - Pattern 3.jpg (71.77 KiB)
- 004 Flooring Carpet Blue-Yellow.jpg (100.3 KiB)
- 005 Flooring Carpet Floral.jpg (88.05 KiB)
- 006 Flooring Carpet Green.jpg (101.97 KiB)
- 007 Flooring Carpet Light Brown - Dark Brown Squares.jpg (96.63 KiB)
- 008 Flooring Carpet Loop - Dark Brown.jpg (85.67 KiB)
- 009 Flooring Carpet Loop - Dark Red.jpg (69.05 KiB)
- 010 Flooring Carpet Loop - Light Blue.jpg (85.9 KiB)
- 011 Flooring Carpet Loop - Light Brown.jpg (77.4 KiB)
- 012 Flooring Carpet Loop - Light Gray-Green.jpg (90.33 KiB)
- 013 Flooring Carpet Loop - Medium Gray.jpg (84.01 KiB)
- 014 Flooring Carpet Loop - White.jpg (73.18 KiB)
- 015 Flooring Carpet Low Pile - Beige.jpg (86.27 KiB)
- 016 Flooring Carpet Low Pile - Gold.jpg (88.31 KiB)
- 017 Flooring Carpet Low Pile - Gray.jpg (94.88 KiB)
- 018 Flooring Carpet Low Pile - Navy.jpg (77.33 KiB)
- 019 Flooring Carpet Low Pile - Sandy.jpg (93.97 KiB)
- 020 Flooring Carpet Medium Pile - Dark Gray.jpg (89.61 KiB)
- 021 Flooring Carpet Needle Punch - Black.jpg (70.82 KiB)
- 022 Flooring Carpet Needle Punch - Tan.jpg (85.79 KiB)
- 023 Flooring Carpet Needle Punch - White.jpg (75.1 KiB)
- 024 Flooring Carpet Pad - Foam.jpg (89.65 KiB)
- 025 Flooring Carpet Pad - Waffled.jpg (86.61 KiB)
- 026 Flooring Carpet Purple-Gray.jpg (93.63 KiB)
- 027 Flooring Carpet Red.jpg (85.7 KiB)
- 028 Flooring Carpet Rug - Braided.jpg (84.53 KiB)
- 029 Flooring Carpet Rug - Hooked.jpg (84.56 KiB)
- 030 Flooring Carpet Rug - Knotted.jpg (89.88 KiB)
- 031 Flooring Carpet Saxony - Flower Pattern Blue-White.jpg (84.65 KiB)
- 032 Flooring Carpet Saxony - Flower Pattern Colored.jpg (77.27 KiB)
- 033 Flooring Carpet Saxony - Herringbone.jpg (74.4 KiB)
- 034 Flooring Carpet Saxony - Squares.jpg (73.46 KiB)
- 035 Flooring Carpet Sisal - Chevrons.jpg (92.84 KiB)
- 036 Flooring Carpet Sisal - Lines.jpg (82.4 KiB)
- 037 Flooring Carpet Sisal - Random.jpg (81.82 KiB)
- 038 Flooring Carpet Sisal - Random.jpg (101.37 KiB)
009 Flooring Stone ( pavimento stone )
- 001 Flooring Stone Burgundy.jpg (80.33 KiB)
- 002 Flooring Stone Diamond - Rosette.jpg (82.75 KiB)
- 003 Flooring Stone Flagstone.jpg (96.03 KiB)
- 004 Flooring Stone Flagstone - Light Pink.jpg (68.5 KiB)
- 005 Flooring Stone Granite - Brown Mauve-Black.jpg (81.18 KiB)
- 006 Flooring Stone Granite - Brown-Black.jpg (73.76 KiB)
- 007 Flooring Stone Granite - Gray Speckled.jpg (88.7 KiB)
- 008 Flooring Stone Granite - Mauve-Black.jpg (81.61 KiB)
- 009 Flooring Stone Granite - Mauve-Black 1.jpg (76.63 KiB)
- 010 Flooring Stone Granite - Multi-colored.jpg (75.78 KiB)
- 011 Flooring Stone Marble - Beige Grid.jpg (67.68 KiB)
- 012 Flooring Stone Marble - Brown.jpg (73.82 KiB)
- 013 Flooring Stone Marble - Dark Gray-Blue Squares.jpg (76.85 KiB)
- 014 Flooring Stone Marble - Dark Orange Squares.jpg (73.59 KiB)
- 015 Flooring Stone Marble - Dark Rose Squares.jpg (69.16 KiB)
- 016 Flooring Stone Marble - Deep Green.jpg (84.09 KiB)
- 017 Flooring Stone Marble - Gray.jpg (91.86 KiB)
- 018 Flooring Stone Marble - Green.jpg (79.97 KiB)
- 019 Flooring Stone Marble - Green Offset Squares.jpg (71.54 KiB)
- 020 Flooring Stone Marble - White.jpg (66.32 KiB)
- 021 Flooring Stone Marble - White-Green.jpg (94.94 KiB)
- 022 Flooring Stone Slate - Gray-Brown.jpg (72.99 KiB)
- 023 Flooring Stone Slate - Gray-Green.jpg (73.1 KiB)
- 024 Flooring Stone Slate - Red 1.jpg (60.96 KiB)
- 025 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Black-Red.jpg (98.08 KiB)
- 026 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Black-White.jpg (91.27 KiB)
- 027 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Brown-Black.jpg (87.1 KiB)
- 028 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Gray-White.jpg (83.04 KiB)
- 029 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Green.jpg (93.94 KiB)
- 030 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Light Tan.jpg (78.58 KiB)
- 031 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - Tan.jpg (89.18 KiB)
- 032 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - White.jpg (76.96 KiB)
- 033 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - White-Black.jpg (89.99 KiB)
- 034 Flooring Stone Terrazzo - White-Brown.jpg (90.11 KiB)
- 035 Flooring Stone Travertine - Mauve Rectangular.jpg (63.57 KiB)
- 036 Flooring Stone Travertine - Mauve Square.jpg (64.14 KiB)
010 Flooring Tile ( pavimento tegola )
- 001 Flooring Tile Circular Mosaic - Black & White 1.jpg (80.22 KiB)
- 002 Flooring Tile Diamond - Red.jpg (74.37 KiB)
- 003 Flooring Tile Square - Blue.jpg (76.6 KiB)
- 004 Flooring Tile Square - Blue-Gray.jpg (75.47 KiB)
- 005 Flooring Tile Square - Brown.jpg (76.25 KiB)
- 006 Flooring Tile Square - Dark Gray.jpg (75.13 KiB)
- 007 Flooring Tile Square - Tan.jpg (75.33 KiB)
- 008 Flooring Tile Terra Cotta.jpg (74.54 KiB)
011 Florring Vinyl ( pavimento Vinile )
- 001 Flooring Vinyl Bisected - Squares.jpg (77.02 KiB)
- 002 Flooring Vinyl Bisected - Squares#1.jpg (77.92 KiB)
- 003 Flooring Vinyl Checker Black-White.jpg (56.66 KiB)
- 004 Flooring Vinyl Checker Plate.jpg (81.52 KiB)
- 005 Flooring Vinyl Diamond - Rosette 1.jpg (82.99 KiB)
- 006 Flooring Vinyl Diamonds.jpg (80.52 KiB)
- 007 Flooring Vinyl Diamonds 1.jpg (82.79 KiB)
- 008 Flooring Vinyl Dots.jpg (75.59 KiB)
- 009 Flooring Vinyl Dots 1.jpg (78.46 KiB)
- 010 Flooring Vinyl Dots Gray.jpg (68.42 KiB)
- 011 Flooring Vinyl Grid.jpg (92.42 KiB)
- 012 Flooring Vinyl Grid 1.jpg (80.21 KiB)
- 013 Flooring Vinyl Matte Grain.jpg (80.27 KiB)
- 014 Flooring Vinyl Matte Grain.jpg (91.35 KiB)
- 015 Flooring Vinyl Mosaic.jpg (92.75 KiB)
- 016 Flooring Vinyl Mosaic - Light Brown.jpg (88.45 KiB)
- 017 Flooring Vinyl Parquet.jpg (92.8 KiB)
- 018 Flooring Vinyl Slate.jpg (93.53 KiB)
- 019 Flooring Vinyl Squares 2.jpg (76.03 KiB)
012 Flooring Wood ( pavimento legno )
- 001 Flooring Wood American Cherry.jpg (71.67 KiB)
- 002 Flooring Wood Andiroba - Natural.jpg (73.27 KiB)
- 003 Flooring Wood Bamboo.jpg (67.67 KiB)
- 004 Flooring Wood Beech - Plank.jpg (68.31 KiB)
- 005 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Amaretto.jpg (72.33 KiB)
- 006 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Brown.jpg (70.47 KiB)
- 007 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Cherry.jpg (69.85 KiB)
- 008 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Chocolate Brown.jpg (67.76 KiB)
- 009 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Galliano.jpg (70.91 KiB)
- 010 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Groove.jpg (72.38 KiB)
- 011 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Gunstock.jpg (72.41 KiB)
- 012 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Honey.jpg (71.38 KiB)
- 013 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Java.jpg (76.94 KiB)
- 014 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Mystic Brown.jpg (68.19 KiB)
- 015 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Natural.jpg (73.95 KiB)
- 016 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Natural Unfinished.jpg (95.82 KiB)
- 017 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Rosewood.jpg (71.58 KiB)
- 018 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Toast Brown.jpg (77.96 KiB)
- 019 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Whisky.jpg (71.58 KiB)
- 020 Flooring Wood Beechwood - Wild Berries.jpg (71.11 KiB)
- 021 Flooring Wood Brazilian Teak - Natural.jpg (77.9 KiB)
- 022 Flooring Wood Chestnut - Natural.jpg (78.35 KiB)
- 023 Flooring Wood Chestnut - Natural Unfinished.jpg (91.63 KiB)
- 024 Flooring Wood Cork - Coarse.jpg (87.91 KiB)
- 025 Flooring Wood Cork - Fine.jpg (81.85 KiB)
- 026 Flooring Wood Hardwood - Grid.jpg (71.35 KiB)
- 027 Flooring Wood Hardwood - Planks.jpg (72.33 KiB)
- 028 Flooring Wood Hickory.jpg (70.8 KiB)
- 029 Flooring Wood Hickory - Pressure Treated Stain.jpg (70.59 KiB)
- 030 Flooring Wood Hickory - Unfinished.jpg (90.59 KiB)
- 031 Flooring Wood Inlay.jpg (79.04 KiB)
- 032 Flooring Wood Kempas - Natural.jpg (75.1 KiB)
- 033 Flooring Wood Maple - Chocolate Brown.jpg (70.89 KiB)
- 034 Flooring Wood Maple - Galliano.jpg (70.36 KiB)
- 035 Flooring Wood Maple - Mystic Brown.jpg (70.63 KiB)
- 036 Flooring Wood Maple - Rosewood.jpg (71.74 KiB)
- 037 Flooring Wood Maple - Toast Brown.jpg (73 KiB)
- 038 Flooring Wood Maple - Wild Berries.jpg (68.26 KiB)
- 039 Flooring Wood Natural Maple - Antique.jpg (79.29 KiB)
- 040 Flooring Wood Natural Maple - Classic Finished.jpg (69.19 KiB)
- 041 Flooring Wood Natural Maple - Classic Unfinished.jpg (88.35 KiB)
- 042 Flooring Wood Natural Maple - Glossy.jpg (71.07 KiB)
- 043 Flooring Wood Natural Maple - Glossy Dark Tint.jpg (70.92 KiB)
- 044 Flooring Wood Oak - Herringbone.jpg (71.62 KiB)
- 045 Flooring Wood Parquet - Brown.jpg (71.88 KiB)
- 046 Flooring Wood Parquet - Gray-Tan.jpg (77.95 KiB)
- 047 Flooring Wood Plank.jpg (67.97 KiB)
- 048 Flooring Wood Plank.jpg (84.02 KiB)
- 049 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Chocolate Brown.jpg (76.57 KiB)
- 050 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Honey.jpg (85.18 KiB)
- 051 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Java.jpg (83.27 KiB)
- 052 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Mystic Brown.jpg (73.41 KiB)
- 053 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural.jpg (77.01 KiB)
- 054 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural Antique.jpg (77.28 KiB)
- 055 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural Classic.jpg (78.67 KiB)
- 056 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural Classic Unfinished.jpg (94.09 KiB)
- 057 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural Country.jpg (77.73 KiB)
- 058 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Natural Tint.jpg (76.31 KiB)
- 059 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Rosewood.jpg (83.15 KiB)
- 060 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Whisky.jpg (85.13 KiB)
- 061 Flooring Wood Red Oak - Wild Berries.jpg (72.81 KiB)
- 062 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Brown.jpg (76.86 KiB)
- 063 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Chocolate Brown.jpg (71.17 KiB)
- 064 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Galliano.jpg (71.04 KiB)
- 065 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Gunstock.jpg (75.2 KiB)
- 066 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Honey.jpg (72.4 KiB)
- 067 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Mystic Brown.jpg (69.23 KiB)
- 068 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Natural.jpg (80.47 KiB)
- 069 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Natural Tint.jpg (79.34 KiB)
- 070 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Rosewood.jpg (75.71 KiB)
- 071 Flooring Wood Silver Maple - Wild Berries.jpg (70.3 KiB)
- 072 Flooring Wood Tigerwood - Natural.jpg (83.4 KiB)
- 073 Flooring Wood White Ash - Amaretto.jpg (82.73 KiB)
- 074 Flooring Wood White Ash - Chocolate Brown.jpg (73.13 KiB)
- 075 Flooring Wood White Ash - Galliano.jpg (77.62 KiB)
- 076 Flooring Wood White Ash - Java.jpg (79.54 KiB)
- 077 Flooring Wood White Ash - Wild Berries.jpg (71.45 KiB)
- 078 Flooring Wood White Oak - Chocolate Brown.jpg (72.69 KiB)
- 079 Flooring Wood White Oak - Galliano.jpg (77.85 KiB)
- 080 Flooring Wood White Oak - Mystic Brown.jpg (70.84 KiB)
- 081 Flooring Wood White Oak - Natural.jpg (86.23 KiB)
- 082 Flooring Wood White Oak - Wild Berries.jpg (71.54 KiB)
- 083 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Amaretto.jpg (73.21 KiB)
- 083 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Cherry.jpg (72.94 KiB)
- 084 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Chocolate Brown.jpg (71.16 KiB)
- 085 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Galliano.jpg (71.2 KiB)
- 086 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Groove.jpg (74.65 KiB)
- 087 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Gunstock.jpg (76.69 KiB)
- 088 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Honey.jpg (74.76 KiB)
- 089 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Java.jpg (73.76 KiB)
- 090 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Medium Brown.jpg (74.76 KiB)
- 091 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Mystic Brown.jpg (68.74 KiB)
- 092 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Natural 1.jpg (74.11 KiB)
- 093 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Natural 2.jpg (76.77 KiB)
- 094 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Rosewood.jpg (74.12 KiB)
- 095 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Toast Brown.jpg (74.68 KiB)
- 096 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Unfinished Gunstock.jpg (89.29 KiB)
- 097 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Whisky.jpg (73.68 KiB)
- 098 Flooring Wood Wild Cherry - Wild Berries.jpg (69.17 KiB)
013 Glass ( vetro )
- 001 Glass Clear.jpg (85.17 KiB)
- 002 Glass Clear - Amber.jpg (85.76 KiB)
- 003 Glass Clear - Blue.jpg (75.73 KiB)
- 004 Glass Clear - Green.jpg (82.76 KiB)
- 005 Glass Clear - Green 1.jpg (74.2 KiB)
- 006 Glass Clear - Light.jpg (88.55 KiB)
- 007 Glass Clear - White.jpg (85.65 KiB)
- 008 Glass Clear - Yellow.jpg (71.5 KiB)
- 009 Glass Frosted - Blue.jpg (72.26 KiB)
- 010 Glass Frosted - Clear.jpg (75.32 KiB)
- 011 Glass Frosted - Dark Blue.jpg (71.64 KiB)
- 012 Glass Frosted - Dark Bronze.jpg (63.57 KiB)
- 013 Glass Frosted - Dark Red.jpg (66.45 KiB)
- 014 Glass Frosted - Gray.jpg (70.58 KiB)
- 015 Glass Frosted - Light Blue.jpg (74.58 KiB)
- 016 Glass Frosted - Light Bronze.jpg (67.34 KiB)
- 017 Glass Frosted - White.jpg (75.26 KiB)
- 018 Glass Glass Block.jpg (98.57 KiB)
- 019 Glass Light Bulb - On.jpg (35.47 KiB)
- 020 Glass Rippled Light Blue.jpg (97.84 KiB)
- 021 Glass Rippled - Light Green.jpg (98.11 KiB)
- 022 Glass Rippled - Medium Blue.jpg (95.61 KiB)
- 023 Glass Rippled - White.jpg (98.63 KiB)
- 024 Glass Semi-Transparent - White.jpg (78 KiB)
- 025 Glass Smoked - Black.jpg (67.44 KiB)
- 026 Glass Smoked - Bronze.jpg (78.93 KiB)
- 027 Glass Tinted - Blue.jpg (78.33 KiB)
- 028 Glass Tinted - Blue-Green.jpg (82.76 KiB)
014 Glass Glazing ( vetrate a smalto )
- 029 Glass Glazing Automotive.jpg (81.89 KiB)
- 030 Glass Glazing Blue.jpg (82.04 KiB)
- 031 Glass Glazing Blue 2.jpg (77.8 KiB)
- 032 Glass Glazing Blue 3.jpg (77.71 KiB)
- 033 Glass Glazing Blue-Green.jpg (78.22 KiB)
- 034 Glass Glazing Clear.jpg (82.53 KiB)
- 035 Glass Glazing Clear 1.jpg (78.91 KiB)
- 036 Glass Glazing Clear Reflective.jpg (79.38 KiB)
- 037 Glass Glazing Dark Blue.jpg (76.47 KiB)
- 038 Glass Glazing Dark Blue Reflective.jpg (76.98 KiB)
- 039 Glass Glazing Dark Bronze.jpg (77.21 KiB)
- 040 Glass Glazing Dark Bronze Reflective.jpg (76.27 KiB)
- 041 Glass Glazing Dark Gray.jpg (77.05 KiB)
- 042 Glass Glazing Dark Green Reflective.jpg (78.73 KiB)
- 043 Glass Glazing Dark Red.jpg (80.56 KiB)
- 044 Glass Glazing Etched.jpg (72.64 KiB)
- 045 Glass Glazing Frosted.jpg (60.07 KiB)
- 046 Glass Glazing Gold.jpg (80.71 KiB)
- 047 Glass Glazing Green.jpg (82.07 KiB)
- 048 Glass Glazing Light Blue Reflective.jpg (78.69 KiB)
- 049 Glass Glazing Light Bronze.jpg (78.29 KiB)
- 050 Glass Glazing Light Bronze Reflective.jpg (78.04 KiB)
- 051 Glass Glazing Light Gray.jpg (77.77 KiB)
- 052 Glass Glazing Light Gray Reflective.jpg (78.28 KiB)
- 053 Glass Glazing Light Red.jpg (79.1 KiB)
- 054 Glass Glazing Mirrored.jpg (77.62 KiB)
- 055 Glass Glazing Reflective - Coated.jpg (81.56 KiB)
- 056 Glass Glazing Spandrel.jpg (62.36 KiB)
- 057 Glass Glazing Wired.jpg (88.19 KiB)
015 liquid
- 001 Liquid Clear Lake.jpg (89.73 KiB)
- 002 Liquid Indoor Pool.jpg (125.26 KiB)
- 003 Liquid Murky River.jpg (87.58 KiB)
- 004 Liquid Oil.jpg (100.28 KiB)
- 005 Liquid Reflecting Pool.jpg (76.21 KiB)
- 006 Liquid Swamp.jpg (77.78 KiB)
- 007 Liquid Swimming Pool.jpg (126.49 KiB)
- 008 Liquid Tropical.jpg (89.32 KiB)
- 009 Liquid Tropical Blue.jpg (84.3 KiB)
- 010 .jpg (89.22 KiB)
016 Masonry Brick ( Muratura Mattone )
- 001 Masonry Brick 12in Non-Uniform Soldier - Burgundy.jpg (68.45 KiB)
- 002 Masonry Brick 12in Running - Burgundy.jpg (64.41 KiB)
- 003 Masonry Brick 12in Uniform Running - Gray.jpg (70.89 KiB)
- 004 Masonry Brick Adobe - Beige.jpg (97.59 KiB)
- 005 Masonry Brick Adobe Running.jpg (71.85 KiB)
- 006 Masonry Brick Basket Weave.jpg (75.01 KiB)
- 007 Masonry Brick Clinker.jpg (78.32 KiB)
- 008 Masonry Brick Common.jpg (77.98 KiB)
- 009 Masonry Brick Cored.jpg (75.54 KiB)
- 010 Masonry Brick Cross Pattern.jpg (84.84 KiB)
- 011 Masonry Brick Decorative Blocks.jpg (79.9 KiB)
- 012 Masonry Brick English.jpg (78.06 KiB)
- 013 Masonry Brick English Cross.jpg (77.75 KiB)
- 014 Masonry Brick Face.jpg (80.08 KiB)
- 015 Masonry Brick Fire.jpg (81.82 KiB)
- 016 Masonry Brick Flemish.jpg (80.31 KiB)
- 017 Masonry Brick Flemish Cross.jpg (75.16 KiB)
- 018 Masonry Brick Flemish Diagonal.jpg (72.3 KiB)
- 019 Masonry Brick Garden Wall.jpg (77.85 KiB)
- 020 Masonry Brick Glazed.jpg (73.98 KiB)
- 021 Masonry Brick Header.jpg (80.37 KiB)
- 022 Masonry Brick Herringbone - Brown.jpg (73.14 KiB)
- 023 Masonry Brick Herringbone - Gray.jpg (66.07 KiB)
- 024 Masonry Brick Herringbone - Light Brown.jpg (89.86 KiB)
- 025 Masonry Brick Herringbone - Mortared.jpg (68.2 KiB)
- 026 Masonry Brick Herringbone - No Mortar - Rotated 45 deg.jpg (72.44 KiB)
- 027 Masonry Brick Herringbone - Red.jpg (65.56 KiB)
- 028 Masonry Brick Modular - Brown.jpg (95.38 KiB)
- 029 Masonry Brick Modular - Gray.jpg (96.11 KiB)
- 030 Masonry Brick Modular - Light Brown.jpg (90.54 KiB)
- 031 Masonry Brick Modular - Light Red.jpg (82.07 KiB)
- 032 Masonry Brick Non-Uniform Running - Brown.jpg (76.25 KiB)
- 033 Masonry Brick Non-Uniform Running - Burgundy.jpg (72.63 KiB)
- 034 Masonry Brick Non-Uniform Running - Gray.jpg (76.75 KiB)
- 035 Masonry Brick Non-Uniform Running - Red.jpg (76.37 KiB)
- 036 Masonry Brick Non-Uniform Soldier - Burgundy.jpg (67.07 KiB)
- 037 Masonry Brick Norman - One-Third Running.jpg (76.78 KiB)
- 038 Masonry Brick Norman - Soldier.jpg (66.58 KiB)
- 039 Masonry Brick One-Third Running.jpg (77.86 KiB)
- 040 Masonry Brick Press.jpg (76.33 KiB)
- 041 Masonry Brick Retaining Wall - Cinder Blocks.jpg (72.59 KiB)
- 042 Masonry Brick Retaining Wall - Striated Cinder Blocks.jpg (85.08 KiB)
- 043 Masonry Brick Rowlock.jpg (77.96 KiB)
- 044 Masonry Brick Rowlock Stagger.jpg (77.03 KiB)
- 045 Masonry Brick Running.jpg (79.12 KiB)
- 046 Masonry Brick Running - Brown.jpg (70.06 KiB)
- 047 Masonry Brick Running - Glazed Blue.jpg (69.09 KiB)
- 048 Masonry Brick Running - Gray.jpg (72.77 KiB)
- 049 Masonry Brick Running - Red.jpg (68.91 KiB)
- 050 Masonry Brick Running - Scored Red.jpg (80.92 KiB)
- 051 Masonry Brick Sailor.jpg (73.03 KiB)
- 052 Masonry Brick Screen.jpg (80.38 KiB)
- 053 Masonry Brick Shiner.jpg (77.19 KiB)
- 054 Masonry Brick Slate - Random Gray.jpg (87.15 KiB)
- 055 Masonry Brick Slate - Square Red.jpg (93.19 KiB)
- 056 Masonry Brick Soldier.jpg (76.52 KiB)
- 057 Masonry Brick Square.jpg (90.67 KiB)
- 058 Masonry Brick Stack.jpg (77.99 KiB)
- 059 Masonry Brick Stacked - Gray.jpg (75.53 KiB)
- 060 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Brown.jpg (65.6 KiB)
- 061 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Burgundy.jpg (61.02 KiB)
- 062 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Coral.jpg (69.49 KiB)
- 063 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Gray.jpg (67.87 KiB)
- 064 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Orange.jpg (66.82 KiB)
- 065 Masonry Brick Uniform Running - Yellow.jpg (70.49 KiB)
- 066 Masonry Brick Uniform Soldier - Brown.jpg (65.41 KiB)
- 067 Masonry Brick Uniform Soldier - Burgundy.jpg (62.14 KiB)
- 068 Masonry Brick Uniform Soldier - Yellow.jpg (69.43 KiB)
- 069 Masonry Brick Vertical.jpg (87.57 KiB)
- 070 Masonry Brick Weave - Brown.jpg (67.55 KiB)
017 Masonry Cmu ( Muratura Cemento )
- 001 Masonry CMU Efflorescence.jpg (79.71 KiB)
- 002 Masonry CMU Plain - Medium Gray.jpg (70 KiB)
- 003 Masonry CMU Retaining Wall - Running.jpg (66.44 KiB)
- 004 Masonry CMU Ribbed - Stacked.jpg (86.92 KiB)
- 005 Masonry CMU Running - Light Gray.jpg (69.64 KiB)
- 006 Masonry CMU Sailor - Stacked.jpg (67.84 KiB)
- 007 Masonry CMU Sand Blasted - Gray.jpg (87.48 KiB)
- 008 Masonry CMU Sand Blasted - Tan.jpg (79.37 KiB)
- 009 Masonry CMU Scored - Running.jpg (69.05 KiB)
- 010 Masonry CMU Scored - Running Exposed Aggregate.jpg (76.54 KiB)
- 011 Masonry CMU Screen - Stacked.jpg (83.78 KiB)
- 012 Masonry CMU Shadow - Running.jpg (67.66 KiB)
- 013 Masonry CMU Sound Absorbing - Running.jpg (66.89 KiB)
- 014 Masonry CMU Split-Face - Running.jpg (86.92 KiB)
- 015 Masonry CMU Split-Face Running - Coral.jpg (87.68 KiB)
- 016 Masonry CMU Split-Face Stacked - Brown.jpg (87.86 KiB)
- 017 Masonry CMU Split-Face Stacked - Gray.jpg (86.52 KiB)
- 018 Masonry CMU Split-Face Stacked - Pink.jpg (87.94 KiB)
- 019 Masonry CMU Stretcher - Running.jpg (66.21 KiB)
- 020 Masonry CMU Stretcher - Running Exposed Aggregate.jpg (80.47 KiB)
- 021 Masonry CMU Stretcher - Running Glazed Blue.jpg (57.5 KiB)
- 022 Masonry CMU Stretcher - Stacked.jpg (66.29 KiB)
- 023 Masonry CMU Stretcher - Stacked Glazed Blue.jpg (58.18 KiB)
018 Masonry Stone ( Muratura Pietra )
- 001 Masonry Stone Ashlar - Patterned.jpg (68.65 KiB)
- 002 Masonry Stone Ashlar - Random Broken Coursed.jpg (72.85 KiB)
- 003 Masonry Stone Ashlar - Random Broken Coursed Grouted.jpg (72.65 KiB)
- 004 Masonry Stone Fieldstone - Uncoarsed Loose.jpg (81.61 KiB)
- 005 Masonry Stone Fieldstone - Uncoarsed Tight.jpg (88.05 KiB)
- 006 Masonry Stone Fieldstone - Uncoarsed Weathered.jpg (69.4 KiB)
- 007 Masonry Stone Glass Block - Square Stack.jpg (78.01 KiB)
- 008 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished.jpg (89.57 KiB)
- 009 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Black-White.jpg (79.18 KiB)
- 010 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Copper-Black.jpg (85.59 KiB)
- 011 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Copper-Black.jpg (85.59 KiB)
- 012 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Gray.jpg (79.69 KiB)
- 013 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Mauve-Gray.jpg (79.14 KiB)
- 014 Masonry Stone Granite - Square Stacked Polished Pink-Black-Gray.jpg (77.5 KiB)
- 015 Masonry Stone Limestone - Ashlar Coursed.jpg (80.03 KiB)
- 016 Masonry Stone Limestone - Rubble.jpg (73.99 KiB)
- 017 Masonry Stone Limestone - Rustic Joint Pink.jpg (88 KiB)
- 018 Masonry Stone Limestone - Rustication.jpg (70.99 KiB)
- 019 Masonry Stone Marble - Square Stacked Polished White-Black.jpg (87.37 KiB)
- 020 Masonry Stone Marble - Square Stacked Polished White-Black Large.jpg (71.8 KiB)
- 021 Masonry Stone Marble - Square Stacked Polished White-Brown.jpg (73.97 KiB)
- 022 Masonry Stone Marble - Square Stacked Polished White-Brown-Black.jpg (65.98 KiB)
- 023 Masonry Stone Marble - Square Stacked Polished White-Green.jpg (70.67 KiB)
- 024 Masonry Stone Onyx - Black.jpg (73.48 KiB)
- 025 Masonry Stone Onyx - Blue.jpg (76.21 KiB)
- 026 Masonry Stone Onyx - Rose.jpg (72.12 KiB)
- 027 Masonry Stone Slate - Green.jpg (77.29 KiB)
- 028 Masonry Stone Slate - Mottled.jpg (56.49 KiB)
- 029 Masonry Stone Slate - Red.jpg (71.33 KiB)
- 030 Masonry Stone Slate - Square Gray.jpg (70.77 KiB)
- 031 Masonry Stone Soapstone - Blue Green.jpg (83.87 KiB)
- 032 Masonry Stone Soapstone - Dark Gray.jpg (82.64 KiB)
- 033 Masonry Stone Travertine - Cream.jpg (66.92 KiB)
- 034 Masonry Stone Travertine - Dark Brown.jpg (84.01 KiB)
- 035 Masonry Stone Travertine - Dark Red.jpg (81.83 KiB)
019 Metal
- 001 Metal Aluminum Cast.jpg (70.3 KiB)
- 002 Metal Brass - Polished.jpg (71.11 KiB)
- 003 Metal Brass - Satin.jpg (77.64 KiB)
- 004 Metal Brass - Satin 1.jpg (69.45 KiB)
- 005 Metal Brass - Satin Brushed Heavy.jpg (88.68 KiB)
- 006 Metal Brass - Satin Screen.jpg (87.62 KiB)
- 007 Metal Bronze - Patina.jpg (55.86 KiB)
- 008 Metal Bronze - Polished.jpg (64.14 KiB)
- 009 Metal Bronze - Polished Brushed.jpg (78.52 KiB)
- 010 Metal Bronze - Satin.jpg (69.78 KiB)
- 011 Metal Bronze - Satin 1.jpg (69.01 KiB)
- 012 Metal Bronze - Satin Hammered.jpg (66.52 KiB)
- 013 Metal Checker Plate.jpg (86.44 KiB)
- 014 Metal Checker Plate - 45deg.jpg (78.09 KiB)
- 015 Metal Checker Plate - Parquet.jpg (86.33 KiB)
- 016 Metal Chrome - Polished.jpg (73.36 KiB)
- 017 Metal Chrome - Polished Black.jpg (75.58 KiB)
- 018 Metal Chrome - Polished Blue.jpg (76.12 KiB)
- 019 Metal Chrome - Polished Brushed.jpg (73.05 KiB)
- 020 Metal Chrome - Polished Brushed Heavy.jpg (85.84 KiB)
- 021 Metal Chrome - Satin.jpg (72.84 KiB)
- 022 Metal Chrome - Satin 1.jpg (73.14 KiB)
- 023 Metal Chrome - Satin Screen.jpg (96 KiB)
- 024 Metal Copper.jpg (73.6 KiB)
- 025 Metal Copper - Patina.jpg (55.84 KiB)
- 026 Metal Copper - Patina Hammered.jpg (64.77 KiB)
- 027 Metal Copper - Polished.jpg (69.64 KiB)
- 028 Metal Copper - Satin.jpg (73.47 KiB)
- 029 Metal Copper - Satin Brushed.jpg (82.06 KiB)
- 030 Metal Copper - Satin Brushed Heavy.jpg (82.1 KiB)
- 031 Metal Expanded Metal 01.jpg (82.33 KiB)
- 032 Metal Expanded Metal 02.jpg (93.59 KiB)
- 033 Metal Expanded Metal 03.jpg (85.98 KiB)
- 034 Metal Expanded Metal 04.jpg (88.92 KiB)
- 035 Metal Foil Gold.jpg (75.45 KiB)
- 036 Metal Framing Steel.jpg (72.51 KiB)
- 037 Metal Galvanized.jpg (62.6 KiB)
- 038 Metal Gunmetal.jpg (69.59 KiB)
- 039 Metal Gunmetal - Antique Polished.jpg (73 KiB)
- 040 Metal Gunmetal - Polished.jpg (70.5 KiB)
- 041 Metal Iron Black.jpg (77.34 KiB)
- 042 Metal Metal 1400F Hot.jpg (69.52 KiB)
- 043 Metal Metal 1600F Hot.jpg (70.36 KiB)
- 044 Metal Metal 1800F Hot.jpg (70.98 KiB)
- 045 Metal Metal 2400F Hot.jpg (71.55 KiB)
- 046 Metal Metal Joists - Steel.jpg (73.28 KiB)
- 047 Metal Nickel.jpg (71.27 KiB)
- 048 Metal Plate - Blue.jpg (92.41 KiB)
- 049 Metal Plate - Mesh.jpg (94.15 KiB)
- 050 Metal Plate - Mesh 1.jpg (93.98 KiB)
- 051 Metal Plate - Mesh 2.jpg (94.13 KiB)
- 052 Metal Plate - Perforated.jpg (93.13 KiB)
- 053 Metal Plate - Perforated 1.jpg (81.17 KiB)
- 054 Metal Plate - Riveted 2.jpg (75.39 KiB)
- 055 Metal Plate - Riveted Flat Gray.jpg (72.88 KiB)
- 056 Metal Rust.jpg (74.24 KiB)
- 057 Metal Rust - Heavy.jpg (81.88 KiB)
- 058 Metal Rust - Light.jpg (80.23 KiB)
- 059 Metal Rust - Medium.jpg (82.39 KiB)
- 060 Metal Silicon Nitride - Polished.jpg (68.03 KiB)
- 061 Metal Skid Plate.jpg (76.48 KiB)
- 062 Metal Titanium.jpg (62.5 KiB)
- 063 Metal Titanium - Polished.jpg (75.18 KiB)
- 064 Metal Weathered.jpg (76.48 KiB)
- 065 Metal Weld - Aluminum.jpg (65.21 KiB)
- 066 Metal Weld - Brass.jpg (65.62 KiB)
- 067 Metal Weld - Stainless Steel.jpg (64.45 KiB)
- 068 Metal Weld - Steel Mild.jpg (64.63 KiB)
- 069 Metal Zinc.jpg (84.45 KiB)
- 070 Metal Zinc Chromate 1.jpg (76.14 KiB)
- 071 Metal Zinc Chromate 2.jpg (56.36 KiB)
020 Metal Alumium ( Metallo Alluminio )
- 001 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Black.jpg (58.06 KiB)
- 002 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Blue.jpg (69.57 KiB)
- 003 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Blue-Gray.jpg (72.28 KiB)
- 004 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Bronze.jpg (70.83 KiB)
- 005 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Dark Bronze.jpg (70.88 KiB)
- 006 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Dark Gray.jpg (66.59 KiB)
- 007 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Gray.jpg (70.37 KiB)
- 008 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Gray Textured.jpg (81.38 KiB)
- 009 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Light Gray.jpg (71.74 KiB)
- 010 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Red.jpg (69.15 KiB)
- 011 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Subtle Dark Bronze.jpg (66.56 KiB)
- 012 Metal Aluminum Anodized - Subtle Dark Bronze Satin.jpg (64.12 KiB)
- 013 Metal Aluminum Anodized - White.jpg (73.97 KiB)
- 014 Metal Aluminum Brushed.jpg (67.94 KiB)
- 015 Metal Aluminum Brushed - Blue-Silver.jpg (64.55 KiB)
- 016 Metal Aluminum Brushed - Random.jpg (76.17 KiB)
- 017 Metal Aluminum Polished.jpg (66.51 KiB)
- 018 Metal Aluminum Polished - Brushed Heavy.jpg (84.68 KiB)
- 019 Metal Aluminum Polished - Hammered.jpg (69.76 KiB)
- 020 Metal Aluminum Polished - Small Pyramid Knurl.jpg (86.64 KiB)
- 021 Metal Aluminum Polished Brushed.jpg (83.08 KiB)
- 022 Metal Aluminum Satin.jpg (73.02 KiB)
- 023 Metal Aluminum Satin - Brushed.jpg (77.78 KiB)
- 024 Metal Aluminum Satin - Brushed Heavy.jpg (82.85 KiB)
- 025 Metal Aluminum Satin - Hammered.jpg (72.13 KiB)
- 026 Metal Aluminum Semi-Polished.jpg (65.33 KiB)
021 Metal Fabricated ( Metallo costruito )
- 027 Metal Fabricated Aluminum Frame - Anodized Dark Bronze Satin.jpg (64.19 KiB)
- 028 Metal Fabricated Aluminum Frame - Painted White.jpg (74.22 KiB)
- 029 Metal Fabricated Curtain Wall - Stainless Steel.jpg (70.52 KiB)
- 030 Metal Fabricated Door Hardware - Chrome Satin.jpg (73.19 KiB)
- 031 Metal Fabricated Handrails and Railings - Painted White.jpg (74.11 KiB)
- 032 Metal Fabricated Metal Framing Systems - Furring.jpg (64.72 KiB)
- 033 Metal Fabricated Metal Framing Systems - Stud.jpg (64.71 KiB)
- 034 Metal Fabricated Stairs - Galvanized.jpg (73.17 KiB)
- 035 Metal Fabricated Steel Doors - Painted White.jpg (74.29 KiB)
- 036 Metal Fabricated Steel Galvanized.jpg (73.19 KiB)
022 Metal Steel ( Metallo Acciaio )
- 001 Metal Steel Diamond Plate.jpg (82.75 KiB)
- 002 Metal Steel Engine Turned.jpg (77.49 KiB)
- 003 Metal Steel Galvanized.jpg (60.9 KiB)
- 004 Metal Steel Honed.jpg (75.06 KiB)
- 005 Metal Steel Knurled.jpg (85.99 KiB)
- 006 Metal Steel Machined 02.jpg (79.28 KiB)
- 007 Metal Steel Machined 03.jpg (76.62 KiB)
- 008 Metal Steel Oxidized.jpg (71.14 KiB)
- 009 Metal Steel Plate.jpg (71.35 KiB)
- 010 Metal Steel Polished.jpg (70.47 KiB)
- 011 Metal Steel Polished Brushed.jpg (87.1 KiB)
- 012 Metal Steel Polished Diamond Plate.jpg (83.31 KiB)
- 013 Metal Steel Rusted.jpg (94.46 KiB)
- 014 Metal Steel Satin.jpg (75.08 KiB)
- 015 Metal Steel Satin Brushed.jpg (84.03 KiB)
- 016 Metal Steel Satin Hammered.jpg (72.12 KiB)
- 017 Metal Steel Satin Screen.jpg (86.69 KiB)
- 018 Metal Steel Semi-Polished.jpg (68.65 KiB)
- 019 Metal Steel Stainless - Brushed.jpg (79.96 KiB)
- 020 Metal Steel Stainless - Polished.jpg (70.38 KiB)
- 021 Metal Steel Stainless - Polished Brushed.jpg (80.8 KiB)
- 022 Metal Steel Stainless - Satin.jpg (75.13 KiB)
- 023 Metal Steel Stainless - Satin Brushed Heavy.jpg (86.18 KiB)
- 024 Metal Steel Stainless - Satin Coarse Screen.jpg (82.59 KiB)
- 025 Metal Steel Stainless - Satin Hammered.jpg (77.69 KiB)
- 026 Metal Steel Stainless - Satin Large Pyramid Knurl.jpg (89.34 KiB)
- 027 Metal Steel Stainless Steel - Bright.jpg (75.56 KiB)
- 028 Metal Steel Stainless Steel - Satin - Brushed Light.jpg (70.57 KiB)
023 Mettalic Paint ( Pittura Metallica )
- 001 Metallic Paint Flaked Reflective - Beige.jpg (64.01 KiB)
- 002 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Black.jpg (70.14 KiB)
- 003 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Blue.jpg (69.42 KiB)
- 004 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Dark Blue.jpg (70.19 KiB)
- 005 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Sea Green.jpg (68.95 KiB)
- 006 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Slate Grey.jpg (66.6 KiB)
- 007 Metallic Paint Flaked Satin - Steel Blue.jpg (65.71 KiB)
- 008 Metallic Paint Glazed - Black.jpg (71.22 KiB)
- 009 Metallic Paint Glazed - Firebrick.jpg (66.16 KiB)
- 010 Metallic Paint Glossy - Black.jpg (64.61 KiB)
- 011 Metallic Paint Glossy - Deep Purple.jpg (62.41 KiB)
- 012 Metallic Paint Glossy - Forest Green.jpg (61.59 KiB)
- 013 Metallic Paint Glossy - Gold.jpg (61.97 KiB)
- 014 Metallic Paint Glossy - Sienna.jpg (59.92 KiB)
- 015 Metallic Paint Polished Silver.jpg (59.68 KiB)
- 016 Metallic Paint Reflective - Ivory.jpg (63.91 KiB)
- 017 Metallic Paint Reflective - Wheat.jpg (59.15 KiB)
- 018 Metallic Paint Reflective - White.jpg (64.03 KiB)
- 019 Metallic Paint Reflective Flaked - Magenta.jpg (60.53 KiB)
- 020 Metallic Paint Satin - Black.jpg (67.7 KiB)
- 021 Metallic Paint Satin - Brown.jpg (66.07 KiB)
- 022 Metallic Paint Satin - Gold.jpg (65.79 KiB)
- 023 Metallic Paint Glossy - Sienna.jpg (59.98 KiB)
- 024 Metallic Paint Polished Silver.jpg (59.68 KiB)
- 025 Metallic Paint Reflective - Ivory.jpg (63.93 KiB)
- 026 Metallic Paint Reflective - Wheat.jpg (59.23 KiB)
- 027 Metallic Paint Reflective - White.jpg (64.13 KiB)
- 028 Metallic Paint Reflective Flaked - Magenta.jpg (60.54 KiB)
- 029 Metallic Paint Satin - Black.jpg (67.71 KiB)
- 030 Metallic Paint Satin - Brown.jpg (66.04 KiB)
- 031 Metallic Paint Satin - Gold.jpg (65.58 KiB)
- 032 Metallic Paint Satin - Goldenrod.jpg (65.09 KiB)
- 033 Metallic Paint Satin - Lavender.jpg (64.12 KiB)
- 034 Metallic Paint Satin - Lemon Chiffon.jpg (64.05 KiB)
- 035 Metallic Paint Satin - Linen.jpg (64.01 KiB)
- 036 Metallic Paint Satin - Midnight Blue.jpg (68.04 KiB)
- 037 Metallic Paint Satin - Misty Rose.jpg (64.12 KiB)
- 038 Metallic Paint Satin - Olive Green.jpg (65.2 KiB)
- 039 Metallic Paint Satin - Silver.jpg (64.35 KiB)
- 040 Metallic Paint Satin - Violet.jpg (64.92 KiB)
- 041 Metallic Paint Satin -Light Red.jpg (65.01 KiB)
024 Mirror ( Specchio )
- 001 Mirror Basic.jpg (76.25 KiB)
- 002 Mirror Bathroom.jpg (76.62 KiB)
- 003 Mirror Cool Tint.jpg (76.41 KiB)
- 004 Mirror No Tint.jpg (76.11 KiB)
- 005 Mirror Smoked - Dark.jpg (70.87 KiB)
- 006 Mirror Smoked - Light.jpg (74.12 KiB)
- 007 Mirror Vanity.jpg (76.06 KiB)
- 008 Mirror Warm Tint.jpg (76.46 KiB)
025 Miscellaneous ( Varie )
- 001 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - 2x2 Gray Fissured.jpg (77.53 KiB)
- 002 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - 2x2 White Pebbled.jpg (82.94 KiB)
- 003 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - 2x4 White Fissured.jpg (87.15 KiB)
- 004 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - 2x4 White Pebbled.jpg (82.91 KiB)
- 005 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - Exposed Grid 2x2 Fissured White.jpg (62.47 KiB)
- 006 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - Exposed Grid 2x2 Pebble White.jpg (61.22 KiB)
- 007 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - Exposed Grid 2x4 Fissured White.jpg (69.11 KiB)
- 008 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - Exposed Grid 2x4 Pebble White.jpg (61.08 KiB)
- 009 Miscellaneous Acoustic Tile - Perforated 2x2 White.jpg (86.19 KiB)
- 010 Miscellaneous Basket - Woven Loose.jpg (92.9 KiB)
- 011 Miscellaneous Basket - Woven Tight.jpg (92.86 KiB)
- 012 Miscellaneous Black Cast.jpg (68.78 KiB)
- 013 Miscellaneous Carbon Fiber.jpg (81.98 KiB)
- 014 Miscellaneous Carbon Fiber 1.jpg (75.29 KiB)
- 015 Miscellaneous Linear - Silver-Gray.jpg (67.01 KiB)
- 016 Miscellaneous Magenta.jpg (54.37 KiB)
- 017 Miscellaneous Masonry Accessories - Black Control Joints.jpg (51.99 KiB)
- 018 Miscellaneous Opal.jpg (70.4 KiB)
- 019 Miscellaneous Rubber - Black.jpg (66.95 KiB)
- 020 Miscellaneous Rubber - Blue.jpg (66.27 KiB)
- 021 Miscellaneous Rubber - Green.jpg (65.99 KiB)
026 Paint ( Vernice )
- 001 Paint Black.jpg (62.31 KiB)
- 002 Paint Black - Flaking.jpg (72.21 KiB)
- 003 Paint Fireproofing.jpg (58.23 KiB)
- 004 Paint Paint.jpg (58.94 KiB)
- 005 Paint Pink.jpg (55.6 KiB)
- 006 Paint White.jpg (71.15 KiB)
- 007 Paint White - Flaking.jpg (78.87 KiB)
- 008 Paint Wood - Painted White.jpg (63.53 KiB)
027 Plastic ( Plastica )
- 001 Plastic Brown.jpg (80.17 KiB)
- 002 Plastic Coarse Textured - Black.jpg (90.76 KiB)
- 003 Plastic Coarse Textured - Dark Gray.jpg (89.98 KiB)
- 004 Plastic Coarse Textured - Light Orange.jpg (92.96 KiB)
- 005 Plastic Coarse Textured - Umber.jpg (89.84 KiB)
- 006 Plastic Coarse Textured - White.jpg (92.09 KiB)
- 007 Plastic Fine Textured - Black.jpg (81.49 KiB)
- 008 Plastic Fine Textured - Dark Gray.jpg (80.02 KiB)
- 009 Plastic Fine Textured - White.jpg (80.89 KiB)
- 010 Plastic High Gloss - Burnt Red.jpg (62.84 KiB)
- 011 Plastic Laminate - Light Beige.jpg (70.79 KiB)
- 012 Plastic Laminate - Light Brown.jpg (84.5 KiB)
- 013 Plastic Laminate - Light Brown 1.jpg (72.89 KiB)
- 014 Plastic Laminate - Navy.jpg (71.1 KiB)
- 015 Plastic Laminate - Normal.jpg (100.2 KiB)
- 016 Plastic Laminate - Taupe.jpg (72.6 KiB)
- 017 Plastic Latex.jpg (65.92 KiB)
- 018 Plastic LED - Green Off.jpg (74.6 KiB)
- 019 Plastic LED - Green On.jpg (74.32 KiB)
- 020 Plastic LED - Red Off.jpg (73.39 KiB)
- 021 Plastic LED - Red On.jpg (73.06 KiB)
- 022 Plastic LED - Yellow Off.jpg (70.36 KiB)
- 023 Plastic LED - Yellow On.jpg (67.61 KiB)
- 024 Plastic Low Gloss - Black.jpg (63.26 KiB)
- 025 Plastic Nylon 6.jpg (59.53 KiB)
- 026 Plastic Polycarbonate - Clear.jpg (83.46 KiB)
- 027 Plastic Polycarbonate - Smoked.jpg (54.36 KiB)
- 028 Plastic PTFE.jpg (59.77 KiB)
- 029 Plastic PVC - White.jpg (60.73 KiB)
- 030 Plastic Smooth - Amber.jpg (68.49 KiB)
- 031 Plastic Smooth - Aqua.jpg (68.65 KiB)
- 032 Plastic Smooth - Ash.jpg (65.66 KiB)
- 033 Plastic Smooth - Black.jpg (72.32 KiB)
- 034 Plastic Smooth - Burnt Red.jpg (71.4 KiB)
- 035 Plastic Smooth - Dark Brown.jpg (67.82 KiB)
- 036 Plastic Smooth - Dark Cadet Blue.jpg (60.32 KiB)
- 037 Plastic Smooth - Dark Forest Green.jpg (69.63 KiB)
- 038 Plastic Smooth - Dark Gray.jpg (68.93 KiB)
- 039 Plastic Smooth - Dark Maroon.jpg (69.47 KiB)
- 040 Plastic Smooth - Dark Sea Green.jpg (68.72 KiB)
- 041 Plastic Smooth - Ivory.jpg (64.97 KiB)
- 042 Plastic Smooth - Light Beige.jpg (65.38 KiB)
- 043 Plastic Smooth - Light Gold.jpg (68 KiB)
- 044 Plastic Smooth - Light Gray.jpg (66.19 KiB)
- 045 Plastic Smooth - Light Maroon.jpg (67.87 KiB)
- 046 Plastic Smooth - Light Orange.jpg (61.75 KiB)
- 047 Plastic Smooth - Medium Gray.jpg (67.13 KiB)
- 048 Plastic Smooth - Navy.jpg (62.35 KiB)
- 049 Plastic Smooth - Off-White.jpg (64.64 KiB)
- 050 Plastic Smooth - Purple.jpg (71.6 KiB)
- 051 Plastic Smooth - Red.jpg (71.39 KiB)
- 052 Plastic Smooth - White.jpg (65.28 KiB)
- 053 Plastic Smooth - Yellow.jpg (68.29 KiB)
- 054 Plastic Textured - Dark Gold.jpg (81.78 KiB)
- 055 Plastic Textured - Dark Green Matte.jpg (80.77 KiB)
- 056 Plastic Textured - Gray.jpg (80.08 KiB)
- 057 Plastic Textured - Gray Matte.jpg (80.07 KiB)
- 058 Plastic Textured - Royal Blue Matte.jpg (84.14 KiB)
- 059 Plastic Textured - Tan.jpg (79.72 KiB)
- 060 Plastic Transparent - Black.jpg (77.2 KiB)
- 061 Plastic Transparent - Bumpy Glossy Red.jpg (76.15 KiB)
- 062 Plastic Transparent - Clear.jpg (84.98 KiB)
- 063 Plastic Transparent - Light Gray.jpg (85.57 KiB)
- 064 Plastic Transparent - Light Orange.jpg (76.38 KiB)
- 065 Plastic Transparent - Light Red.jpg (76.67 KiB)
- 066 Plastic Transparent - Olive Green.jpg (76.41 KiB)
- 067 Plastic Transparent - Polished Red.jpg (76.83 KiB)
- 068 Plastic Transparent - Slate Blue.jpg (76.34 KiB)
028 Roofing ( Tetto )
- 001 Roofing Insulation - Rigid.jpg (56.12 KiB)
- 002 Roofing Shake - Handsplit.jpg (64.27 KiB)
- 003 Roofing Shake - Weathered.jpg (65.54 KiB)
- 004 Roofing Shingle - Composition Brown.jpg (59.29 KiB)
- 005 Roofing Shingle - Composition Dark Gray.jpg (58.77 KiB)
- 006 Roofing Shingle - Composition Gray.jpg (88.61 KiB)
- 007 Roofing Shingle - Composition Pink.jpg (61.36 KiB)
- 008 Roofing Shingle - Half-Round Gray.jpg (96.58 KiB)
- 009 Roofing Shingle - Half-Round Light Brown.jpg (92.24 KiB)
- 010 Roofing Shingle - Rough Gray.jpg (90 KiB)
- 011 Roofing Shingles - Asphalt 3-Tab Black.jpg (58.33 KiB)
- 012 Roofing Shingles - Asphalt 3-Tab Gray.jpg (65.2 KiB)
- 013 Roofing Shingles - Asphalt Deep Shadow Beige.jpg (71.98 KiB)
- 014 Roofing Shingles - Asphalt Roofing.jpg (53.86 KiB)
- 015 Roofing Shingles - Even 1.jpg (64.43 KiB)
- 016 Roofing Shingles - Even 2.jpg (67.32 KiB)
- 017 Roofing Shingles - Even 3.jpg (63.39 KiB)
- 018 Roofing Shingles - Half-Round.jpg (74.57 KiB)
- 019 Roofing Shingles - Uneven 1.jpg (65.28 KiB)
- 020 Roofing Shingles - Uneven 2.jpg (68.31 KiB)
- 021 Roofing Shingles - Uneven 3.jpg (64.43 KiB)
- 022 Roofing Slate - Blue.jpg (63.57 KiB)
- 023 Roofing Slate - Gray.jpg (65.76 KiB)
- 024 Roofing Spanish Tile.jpg (66.33 KiB)
- 025 Roofing Spanish Tile - Blue.jpg (76.7 KiB)
- 026 Roofing Spanish Tile - Blue 1.jpg (77.04 KiB)
- 027 Roofing Spanish Tile - Brown.jpg (64.41 KiB)
- 028 Roofing Spanish Tile - Faded Red.jpg (73.38 KiB)
- 029 Roofing Spanish Tile - Red.jpg (74.91 KiB)
- 030 Roofing Spanish Tile - Red 2.jpg (64.77 KiB)
- 031 Roofing Spanish Tile - Red 3.jpg (67.18 KiB)
- 032 Roofing Standing Seam Roofing.jpg (55.82 KiB)
029 Siding ( raccordo )
- 001 Siding Bevel.jpg (66.82 KiB)
- 002 Siding Board-Batten.jpg (67.25 KiB)
- 003 Siding Composite - Gray.jpg (70.49 KiB)
- 004 Siding Horizontal 4in - Gray.jpg (70.46 KiB)
- 005 Siding Horizontal 4in - White.jpg (84.74 KiB)
- 006 Siding Horizontal 6in - Beige.jpg (68.75 KiB)
- 007 Siding Horizontal 6in - Gray.jpg (65.37 KiB)
- 008 Siding Horizontal 8in - Gray.jpg (63.46 KiB)
- 009 Siding Metal - Copper.jpg (73.5 KiB)
- 010 Siding Metal - Copper Patina.jpg (74.6 KiB)
- 011 Siding Metal - Ribbed Copper.jpg (69.95 KiB)
- 012 Siding Metal - Standing Seam Copper 3.jpg (73.05 KiB)
- 013 Siding Metal - Standing Seam Copper Patina.jpg (66.03 KiB)
- 014 Siding Shakes - Weathered.jpg (67.87 KiB)
- 015 Siding Ship-Lap.jpg (65.62 KiB)
- 016 Siding Split Log.jpg (62.45 KiB)
- 017 Siding Tongue-Groove.jpg (65.97 KiB)
- 018 Siding Vertical 6in - White.jpg (88.98 KiB)
- 019 Siding Wood - Batten New.jpg (69.13 KiB)
- 020 Siding Wood - Horizontal.jpg (71.82 KiB)
- 021 Siding Wood - Horizontal Cedar.jpg (71.96 KiB)
- 022 Siding Wood - Horizontal White.jpg (61.34 KiB)
- 023 Siding Wood - Vertical White.jpg (67.28 KiB)
030 Sitework ( terreni )
- 001 Sitework Aggregate - High.jpg (60.53 KiB)
- 002 Sitework Asphalt - Wet.jpg (87.19 KiB)
- 003 Sitework Asphalt 1.jpg (77.49 KiB)
- 004 Sitework Asphalt 2.jpg (55.94 KiB)
- 005 Sitework Asphalt 3.jpg (86.09 KiB)
- 006 Sitework Chain Link Fencing.jpg (91.22 KiB)
- 007 Sitework Chain Link Fencing 1.jpg (95.33 KiB)
- 008 Sitework Cobble Stone - Blue-Gray.jpg (70.01 KiB)
- 009 Sitework Cobble Stone - Faded Glazed Multi-color.jpg (72.86 KiB)
- 010 Sitework Cobble Stone - Glazed Multi-color.jpg (75.72 KiB)
- 011 Sitework Cobble Stone - Herringbone.jpg (77.69 KiB)
- 012 Sitework Cobble Stone - Interlocking.jpg (93.4 KiB)
- 013 Sitework Dirt - Dark Brown.jpg (91.71 KiB)
- 014 Sitework Grass - Bermuda.jpg (92.29 KiB)
- 015 Sitework Grass - Bluegrass.jpg (84.12 KiB)
- 016 Sitework Grass - Dark Bermuda.jpg (90.83 KiB)
- 017 Sitework Grass - Dark Rye.jpg (93.13 KiB)
- 018 Sitework Grass - Light Rye.jpg (99.94 KiB)
- 019 Sitework Grass - Short.jpg (91.48 KiB)
- 020 Sitework Grass - St. Augustine.jpg (91.52 KiB)
- 021 Sitework Grass - Thick.jpg (93.05 KiB)
- 022 Sitework Gravel - Compact.jpg (90.15 KiB)
- 023 Sitework Gravel - Crushed.jpg (96.65 KiB)
- 024 Sitework Gravel - Loose.jpg (86.78 KiB)
- 025 Sitework Gravel - Loose 1.jpg (83.02 KiB)
- 026 Sitework Gravel - Mixed.jpg (86.49 KiB)
- 027 Sitework Hedge.jpg (98.51 KiB)
- 028 Sitework Pavers - Interlocking.jpg (78.03 KiB)
- 029 Sitework Pavers - Octogon-Square Gray-Brown.jpg (70.15 KiB)
- 030 Sitework Pavers - Running Brick.jpg (73.71 KiB)
- 031 Sitework Pavers - Square Brick Red.jpg (60.25 KiB)
- 032 Sitework Pavers - Square Gray-Brown.jpg (73.32 KiB)
- 033 Sitework Pavers - Square Tan-Brown.jpg (76.54 KiB)
- 034 Sitework Pavers - Terra Cotta.jpg (69.57 KiB)
- 035 Sitework Riverstone.jpg (86.41 KiB)
- 036 Sitework Riverstone - Mortared.jpg (84.89 KiB)
- 037 Sitework Sand.jpg (75.84 KiB)
- 038 Sitework Sand - Natural Medium.jpg (96.2 KiB)
- 039 Sitework Shadowbox-Trellis.jpg (60.25 KiB)
- 040 Sitework Snow.jpg (70.8 KiB)
- 041 Sitework Soil.jpg (85.21 KiB)
- 042 Sitework Wood Stockade.jpg (88.63 KiB)
031 Stone ( Pietre )
- 001 Stone Coarse Polished - Alabaster.jpg (59.53 KiB)
- 002 Stone Exposed Aggregate.jpg (81.92 KiB)
- 003 Stone Fieldstone - Weathered.jpg (96.46 KiB)
- 004 Stone Fine Polished - Alabaster.jpg (60.83 KiB)
- 005 Stone Green Polished.jpg (68.82 KiB)
- 006 Stone Jagged Rock Wall.jpg (76.28 KiB)
- 007 Stone Rectangular Stones - Light Gray.jpg (88.03 KiB)
- 008 Stone Riverstone - Blue.jpg (96.19 KiB)
- 009 Stone Rubble - River Rock.jpg (67.69 KiB)
- 010 Stone Rubble - Taliesin West.jpg (82.98 KiB)
- 011 Stone Small Rectanguler Stones - Gray.jpg (87.59 KiB)
- 012 Stone Small Uneven Rectanguler Stones - Brown.jpg (90.16 KiB)
- 013 Stone Stone - Blue.jpg (79.46 KiB)
- 014 Stone Travertine - Cream.jpg (98.09 KiB)
- 015 Stone Unfinished.jpg (84.1 KiB)
032 Stone Marble ( Pietre Marmo )
- 001 Stone Marble Coarse Polished - White.jpg (64.21 KiB)
- 002 Stone Marble Fine - Alabaster.jpg (61.17 KiB)
- 003 Stone Marble Fine Polished - White.jpg (82.53 KiB)
- 004 Stone Marble Rose.jpg (71.71 KiB)
- 005 Stone Marble Square - Large Veins.jpg (73.92 KiB)
- 006 Stone Marble Travertine.jpg (91.89 KiB)
033 Stone Granite ( Pietre Granito )
- 001 Stone Granite Gray Speckled.jpg (98.89 KiB)
- 002 Stone Granite Multi-colored.jpg (83.52 KiB)
- 003 Stone Granite Polished - Black.jpg (64.15 KiB)
- 004 Stone Granite Polished - Pink.jpg (84.42 KiB)
- 005 Stone Granite Rough - Black.jpg (63.18 KiB)
- 006 Stone Granite Rough - Pink.jpg (91.81 KiB)
- 007 Stone Granite Rough - Red.jpg (89.92 KiB)
- 008 Stone Granite Squares - Copper-Black-Blue.jpg (102.03 KiB)
- 009 Stone Granite Squares - Gray-Brown.jpg (96.78 KiB)
034 Stucco
- 001 Stucco Aqua.jpg (108.59 KiB)
- 002 Stucco Black.jpg (82.79 KiB)
- 003 Stucco Brown.jpg (97.59 KiB)
- 004 Stucco Burnt Red.jpg (94.44 KiB)
- 005 Stucco Cerulean.jpg (106.52 KiB)
- 006 Stucco Coarse - White.jpg (67.58 KiB)
- 007 Stucco Dark Gray.jpg (93.43 KiB)
- 008 Stucco Exterior - Beige.jpg (96.83 KiB)
- 009 Stucco Exterior - White.jpg (100.24 KiB)
- 010 Stucco Exterior Smooth - Tan.jpg (98.71 KiB)
- 011 Stucco Exterior Textured - Tan.jpg (96.91 KiB)
- 012 Stucco Fine - Brown.jpg (65.31 KiB)
- 013 Stucco Fine - Cream.jpg (100.31 KiB)
- 014 Stucco Fine - Light Gray.jpg (67.09 KiB)
- 015 Stucco Fine - Mauve.jpg (64.93 KiB)
- 016 Stucco Fine - White.jpg (63.26 KiB)
- 017 Stucco Light Gray.jpg (99.77 KiB)
- 018 Stucco Medium - White.jpg (68.73 KiB)
- 019 Stucco Olive.jpg (100.42 KiB)
- 020 Stucco Plaster - Venetian Rough.jpg (66.07 KiB)
- 021 Stucco Plaster - Venetian Smooth.jpg (58.63 KiB)
- 022 Stucco Smooth - Beige.jpg (98.64 KiB)
- 023 Stucco Textured - Beige.jpg (99.42 KiB)
- 024 Stucco Troweled - Gray.jpg (57.65 KiB)
- 025 Stucco Troweled - Light Yellow.jpg (58.45 KiB)
- 026 Stucco Troweled - White.jpg (70.5 KiB)
- 027 Stucco Wall Texture - Beige.jpg (93.85 KiB)
- 028 Stucco Wall Texture - Salmon.jpg (98.41 KiB)
- 029 Stucco Wet-Dash - Gray.jpg (73.04 KiB)
- 030 Stucco White.jpg (101.76 KiB)
035 Wall Covering ( Muro Carta Parati )
- 001 Wall Covering Abstract Light Brown.jpg (74.97 KiB)
- 002 Wall Covering Abstract Olive.jpg (69.45 KiB)
- 003 Wall Covering Abstract White.jpg (68.07 KiB)
- 004 Wall Covering Floral Brown.jpg (74.22 KiB)
- 005 Wall Covering Floral Light Brown.jpg (74.62 KiB)
- 006 Wall Covering Floral White.jpg (73.75 KiB)
- 007 Wall Covering Tan.jpg (70.1 KiB)
- 008 Wall Covering Vertical Stripes - Blue-Gray.jpg (62.67 KiB)
- 009 Wall Covering Vertical Stripes - Multi-colored.jpg (68.84 KiB)
- 010 Wall Covering Vertical Stripes - Pink-Beige.jpg (63.72 KiB)
- 011 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Floral Blue.jpg (65.61 KiB)
- 012 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Floral Yellow.jpg (65.15 KiB)
- 013 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Geometric.jpg (62.59 KiB)
- 014 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Roses.jpg (70.83 KiB)
- 015 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Stripes Splatter.jpg (75.9 KiB)
- 016 Wall Covering Wallpaper - Victorian.jpg (72.01 KiB)
036 Wall Paint Glossy ( Muro Dipinto Lucido )
- 001 Wall Paint Glossy Black.jpg (59.59 KiB)
- 002 Wall Paint Glossy Blue.jpg (61.74 KiB)
- 003 Wall Paint Glossy Brindle.jpg (57.45 KiB)
- 004 Wall Paint Glossy Chartreuse.jpg (61.16 KiB)
- 005 Wall Paint Glossy Chestnut.jpg (57.72 KiB)
- 006 Wall Paint Glossy Chocolate.jpg (58.66 KiB)
- 007 Wall Paint Glossy Cool White.jpg (57.89 KiB)
- 008 Wall Paint Glossy Cyan.jpg (60.38 KiB)
- 009 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Cadet Blue.jpg (58.99 KiB)
- 010 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Cyan.jpg (59.32 KiB)
- 011 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Gray.jpg (57.87 KiB)
- 012 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Olive.jpg (58.66 KiB)
- 013 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Red.jpg (62.64 KiB)
- 014 Wall Paint Glossy Dark Turquoise.jpg (59.22 KiB)
- 015 Wall Paint Glossy Forest Green.jpg (59.87 KiB)
- 016 Wall Paint Glossy Gray.jpg (57.34 KiB)
- 017 Wall Paint Glossy Ivory Gloss.jpg (57.66 KiB)
- 018 Wall Paint Glossy Light Beige.jpg (57.42 KiB)
- 019 Wall Paint Glossy Light Chocolate.jpg (58.47 KiB)
- 020 Wall Paint Glossy Light Gray.jpg (57.48 KiB)
- 021 Wall Paint Glossy Light Red.jpg (58.85 KiB)
- 022 Wall Paint Glossy Light Steel Blue.jpg (57.94 KiB)
- 023 Wall Paint Glossy Linen White.jpg (57.45 KiB)
- 024 Wall Paint Glossy Magenta.jpg (59.51 KiB)
- 025 Wall Paint Glossy Maroon.jpg (58.1 KiB)
- 026 Wall Paint Glossy Navy.jpg (61.7 KiB)
- 027 Wall Paint Glossy Orange-Red.jpg (59.61 KiB)
- 028 Wall Paint Glossy Periwinkle.jpg (58.96 KiB)
- 029 Wall Paint Glossy Red.jpg (62.91 KiB)
- 030 Wall Paint Glossy Salmon.jpg (57.28 KiB)
- 031 Wall Paint Glossy Sand.jpg (57.68 KiB)
- 032 Wall Paint Glossy Sky Blue Dark.jpg (62.98 KiB)
- 033 Wall Paint Glossy Steel Blue.jpg (58 KiB)
- 034 Wall Paint Glossy Turquoise.jpg (61.01 KiB)
- 035 Wall Paint Glossy Wheat.jpg (57.15 KiB)
- 036 Wall Paint Glossy White.jpg (57.66 KiB)
- 037 Wall Paint Glossy Yellow.jpg (60.55 KiB)
037 Wall Paint Matte ( Muro Dipinto Opaco )
- 001 Wall Paint Matte Aquamarine.jpg (55.79 KiB)
- 002 Wall Paint Matte Beige.jpg (55.53 KiB)
- 003 Wall Paint Matte Black.jpg (52.29 KiB)
- 004 Wall Paint Matte Cadet Blue.jpg (57.04 KiB)
- 005 Wall Paint Matte Cafe.jpg (55.23 KiB)
- 006 Wall Paint Matte Canary.jpg (56.78 KiB)
- 007 Wall Paint Matte Chartreuse.jpg (56.56 KiB)
- 008 Wall Paint Matte Chestnut.jpg (53.61 KiB)
- 009 Wall Paint Matte Cool White.jpg (55.72 KiB)
- 010 Wall Paint Matte Cyan.jpg (56.91 KiB)
- 011 Wall Paint Matte Dark Gray.jpg (53.09 KiB)
- 012 Wall Paint Matte Dark Green.jpg (57.17 KiB)
- 013 Wall Paint Matte Dark Olive Green.jpg (54.81 KiB)
- 014 Wall Paint Matte Dark Red.jpg (54.45 KiB)
- 015 Wall Paint Matte Dark Turquoise.jpg (56.03 KiB)
- 016 Wall Paint Matte Flat - Antique White.jpg (55.86 KiB)
- 017 Wall Paint Matte Forest Green.jpg (55.62 KiB)
- 018 Wall Paint Matte Gold.jpg (57.11 KiB)
- 019 Wall Paint Matte Gray.jpg (53.88 KiB)
- 020 Wall Paint Matte Ivory Flat.jpg (55.65 KiB)
- 021 Wall Paint Matte Light Beige.jpg (55.75 KiB)
- 022 Wall Paint Matte Light Gray.jpg (55.02 KiB)
- 023 Wall Paint Matte Light Red.jpg (56.76 KiB)
- 024 Wall Paint Matte Light Red-Orange.jpg (55.33 KiB)
- 025 Wall Paint Matte Light Steel Blue.jpg (55.85 KiB)
- 026 Wall Paint Matte Light Tan.jpg (55.45 KiB)
- 027 Wall Paint Matte Linen White.jpg (55.35 KiB)
- 028 Wall Paint Matte Navy.jpg (54.73 KiB)
- 029 Wall Paint Matte Olive Green.jpg (55.2 KiB)
- 030 Wall Paint Matte Orange.jpg (56.69 KiB)
- 031 Wall Paint Matte Pearl.jpg (54.58 KiB)
- 032 Wall Paint Matte Periwinkle.jpg (56.52 KiB)
- 033 Wall Paint Matte Red.jpg (54.96 KiB)
- 034 Wall Paint Matte Sienna.jpg (54.54 KiB)
- 035 Wall Paint Matte Sky Blue Dark.jpg (57.96 KiB)
- 036 Wall Paint Matte Sky Blue Medium.jpg (58.46 KiB)
- 037 Wall Paint Matte Slate Blue.jpg (55.73 KiB)
- 038 Wall Paint Matte Tan.jpg (55.18 KiB)
- 039 Wall Paint Matte Turquoise.jpg (57.35 KiB)
- 040 Wall Paint Matte Violet.jpg (55.5 KiB)
- 041 Wall Paint Matte Wheat.jpg (55.45 KiB)
- 042 Wall Paint Matte White.jpg (55.93 KiB)
- 043 Wall Paint Matte Yellow.jpg (57.77 KiB)
038 Wood ( Legno )
- 001 Wood Andiroba.jpg (66.66 KiB)
- 002 Wood Beech.jpg (63.66 KiB)
- 003 Wood Birch - Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (71.18 KiB)
- 004 Wood Birch - Natural No Gloss.jpg (69.63 KiB)
- 005 Wood Birch - Natural Polished.jpg (71.08 KiB)
- 006 Wood Birch - Solid Natural Low Gloss.jpg (72.39 KiB)
- 007 Wood Birch - Solid Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (71.34 KiB)
- 008 Wood Birch - Solid Stained Dark No Gloss.jpg (67.03 KiB)
- 009 Wood Birch - Solid Stained Dark Polished.jpg (69.48 KiB)
- 010 Wood Birch - Solid Stained Light Low Gloss.jpg (71.4 KiB)
- 011 Wood Birch - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (67.54 KiB)
- 012 Wood Birch - Stained Dark Polished 1.jpg (69.48 KiB)
- 013 Wood Birch - Stained Light Medium Gloss.jpg (70.05 KiB)
- 014 Wood Bocote.jpg (65.93 KiB)
- 015 Wood BurrElm.jpg (61.96 KiB)
- 016 Wood Cherry.jpg (60.95 KiB)
- 017 Wood Cherry - Light.jpg (64.97 KiB)
- 018 Wood Cherry - Light Coarse.jpg (87.31 KiB)
- 019 Wood Cherry - Natural Low Gloss.jpg (64.25 KiB)
- 020 Wood Cherry - Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (66.95 KiB)
- 021 Wood Cherry - Natural No Gloss.jpg (68.09 KiB)
- 022 Wood Cherry - Solid Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (66.91 KiB)
- 023 Wood Cherry - Solid Stained Dark No Gloss.jpg (64.06 KiB)
- 024 Wood Cherry - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (63.84 KiB)
- 025 Wood Cherry - Stained Dark Low Gloss.jpg (68.58 KiB)
- 026 Wood Cherry - Stained Dark Medium Gloss 1.jpg (66.92 KiB)
- 027 Wood Cherry - Stained Light Low Gloss.jpg (68.52 KiB)
- 028 Wood Cherry - Stained Light No Gloss 1.jpg (64 KiB)
- 029 Wood Cherry 2.jpg (68.19 KiB)
- 030 Wood Cocobolo.jpg (64.13 KiB)
- 031 Wood Driftwood.jpg (72.81 KiB)
- 032 Wood Elm - Burl Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (75.37 KiB)
- 033 Wood English Oak.jpg (61.96 KiB)
- 034 Wood Goncalo.jpg (67.53 KiB)
- 035 Wood Hickory.jpg (68 KiB)
- 036 Wood Ironwood.jpg (77.53 KiB)
- 037 Wood Lacquered.jpg (64.5 KiB)
- 038 Wood Mahogany.jpg (62.01 KiB)
- 039 Wood Mahogany - Natural Low Gloss.jpg (68.26 KiB)
- 040 Wood Mahogany - Natural Polished.jpg (66.12 KiB)
- 041 Wood Mahogany - Solid Natural Polished.jpg (67.72 KiB)
- 042 Wood Mahogany - Solid Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (66.78 KiB)
- 043 Wood Mahogany - Solid Stained Dark No Gloss.jpg (62.69 KiB)
- 044 Wood Mahogany - Solid Stained Dark Polished 1.jpg (66.51 KiB)
- 045 Wood Mahogany - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (62.36 KiB)
- 046 Wood Mahogany - Stained Dark Polished.jpg (66.41 KiB)
- 047 Wood Maple.jpg (59.27 KiB)
- 048 Wood Maple - Solid Natural Low Gloss.jpg (70.24 KiB)
- 049 Wood Maple - Solid Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (65.64 KiB)
- 050 Wood Maple - Solid Natural No Gloss.jpg (66.65 KiB)
- 051 Wood Maple - Solid Natural Polished.jpg (65.75 KiB)
- 052 Wood Maple - Solid Stained Light Low Gloss.jpg (70.04 KiB)
- 053 Wood Maple - Stained Dark Polished.jpg (65.85 KiB)
- 054 Wood Maple - Stained Light Medium Gloss.jpg (65.25 KiB)
- 055 Wood Maple - Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (66.74 KiB)
- 056 Wood Pine.jpg (62.38 KiB)
- 057 Wood Pine - Coarse.jpg (80.61 KiB)
- 058 Wood Poplar.jpg (59.53 KiB)
- 059 Wood Red Birch.jpg (67.27 KiB)
- 060 Wood Red Oak.jpg (62.89 KiB)
- 061 Wood Red Oak - Natural Low Gloss.jpg (71.6 KiB)
- 062 Wood Red Oak - Natural No Gloss.jpg (67.28 KiB)
- 063 Wood Red Oak - Stained Dark Low Gloss.jpg (71.29 KiB)
- 064 Wood Red Oak - Stained Light Medium Gloss.jpg (70.33 KiB)
- 065 Wood Red Oak - Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (67.7 KiB)
- 066 Wood Redwood.jpg (58.66 KiB)
- 067 Wood Roble.jpg (74.13 KiB)
- 068 Wood Rose Myrtle.jpg (68.02 KiB)
- 069 Wood Rosewood - Natural Low Gloss.jpg (82.17 KiB)
- 070 Wood Rosewood - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (78.58 KiB)
- 071 Wood Rosewood - Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (78.5 KiB)
- 072 Wood Shellacked.jpg (77.18 KiB)
- 073 Wood Spruce.jpg (61.18 KiB)
- 074 Wood Teak.jpg (68.81 KiB)
- 075 Wood Teak - Natural Medium Gloss 1.jpg (67.02 KiB)
- 076 Wood Teak - Natural No Gloss.jpg (62.7 KiB)
- 077 Wood Teak - Natural Polished.jpg (66.76 KiB)
- 078 Wood Teak - Solid Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (66.92 KiB)
- 079 Wood Teak - Solid Stained Dark Polished.jpg (66.57 KiB)
- 080 Wood Teak - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (63.68 KiB)
- 081 Wood Teak - Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (66.86 KiB)
- 082 Wood Teak - Stained Dark No Gloss.jpg (62.25 KiB)
- 083 Wood Teak 1.jpg (56.57 KiB)
- 084 Wood Walnut.jpg (55.55 KiB)
- 085 Wood Walnut - Natural Polished.jpg (65.15 KiB)
- 086 Wood Walnut - Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (59.6 KiB)
- 087 Wood White Ash.jpg (59.97 KiB)
- 088 Wood White Oak.jpg (60.76 KiB)
- 089 Wood White Oak - Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (70.39 KiB)
- 090 Wood White Oak - Solid Natural Medium Gloss.jpg (69.6 KiB)
- 091 Wood White Oak - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (67.84 KiB)
- 092 Wood White Oak - Stained Dark Polished.jpg (70.15 KiB)
- 093 Wood White Oak - Stained Light No Gloss 1.jpg (67.18 KiB)
- 094 Wood White Oak - Stained Light Polished.jpg (69.39 KiB)
- 095 Wood Yellow Pine - Natural No Gloss.jpg (67 KiB)
- 096 Wood Yellow Pine - Natural Polished.jpg (69.05 KiB)
- 097 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Natural Low Gloss.jpg (70.76 KiB)
- 098 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Natural Polished.jpg (69.15 KiB)
- 099 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (69.47 KiB)
- 100 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Stained Dark No Gloss.jpg (66.93 KiB)
- 101 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Stained Light Low Gloss.jpg (69.5 KiB)
- 102 Wood Yellow Pine - Solid Stained Light No Gloss.jpg (65.88 KiB)
- 103 Wood Yellow Pine - Stained Dark Medium Gloss.jpg (68.12 KiB)
- 104 Wood Yellow Pine - Stained Light Polished.jpg (67.84 KiB)
039 Wood Panels ( Legno Pannello )
- 001 Wood Panels Ash Door.jpg (61.5 KiB)
- 002 Wood Panels Boards.jpg (74.33 KiB)
- 003 Wood Panels Cardboard.jpg (83.66 KiB)
- 004 Wood Panels Cardboard - Chipboard.jpg (71.57 KiB)
- 005 Wood Panels Cardboard - Chipboard 1.jpg (68.3 KiB)
- 006 Wood Panels Cardboard - Corrugated.jpg (68.13 KiB)
- 007 Wood Panels Gypsum Board - Painted White.jpg (58.2 KiB)
- 008 Wood Panels Masonite.jpg (59.09 KiB)
- 009 Wood Panels Masonite - Pegboard.jpg (69.56 KiB)
- 010 Wood Panels Paneling - Ash.jpg (73.93 KiB)
- 011 Wood Panels Paneling - Brown.jpg (69.75 KiB)
- 012 Wood Panels Paneling - Yellow-Brown.jpg (69.1 KiB)
- 013 Wood Panels Paneling 1.jpg (67.63 KiB)
- 014 Wood Panels Particle Board.jpg (70.57 KiB)
- 015 Wood Panels Plywood - New.jpg (65.09 KiB)
- 016 Wood Panels Plywood - Weathered.jpg (64.97 KiB)
- 017 Wood Panels Pressboard.jpg (72.82 KiB)
Texture Tutorial
- AF05brk.tif (410.47 KiB)
- AF05brk2.tif (368.17 KiB)
- AF05brk3.tif (410.47 KiB)
- AF05lef.tif (4.15 MiB)
- AF05lef2.tif (662.58 KiB)
- AF05lef2_a.tif (364.11 KiB)
- AF05lef3.tif (795.28 KiB)
- AF05lef3_a.tif (495.87 KiB)
- AF05lef_a.tif (2.17 MiB)
- AF05thn.tif (47.13 KiB)
- Carissa Edulis Egyptian Carissa medium.mib (13.57 MiB)
- Carissa Edulis Egyptian Carissa medium.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- Carissa Edulis Egyptian Cariss low.mib (5.15 MiB)
- Carissa Edulis Egyptian Cariss low.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- Cespuglio 05.mib (10.37 MiB)
- Cespuglio 05.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- Cespuglio 09.mib (14.37 MiB)
- Cespuglio 09.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- CIELO_04.TIF (1.3 MiB)
- Doors - Windows.Wood Doors.Ash.jpg (322.19 KiB)
- erba 2.mib (20.56 MiB)
- erba 2.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- erba cut.mib (19.16 MiB)
- erba cut.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- Finishes.Flooring.Tile.Square.Circular Mosaic.bump.png (1.18 MiB)
- Finishes.Flooring.Tile.Square.Circular Mosaic.jpg (477.94 KiB)
- Finishes.Flooring.Tile.Square.Tan.bump.png (444.83 KiB)
- Finishes.Flooring.Tile.Square.Tan.png (626.02 KiB)
- Finishes.Masonry Flooring.Marble.Beige-Grid.jpg (349.79 KiB)
- Finishes.Masonry Flooring.Terrazzo.Brown.jpg (626.67 KiB)
- Finishes.Tiling.Ceramic.Mosaic.Blue.bump.png (889.41 KiB)
- Finishes.Tiling.Ceramic.Mosaic.Blue.png (1.68 MiB)
- Finishes.Tiling.Ceramic.Mosaic.Grey.bump.png (889.41 KiB)
- Finishes.Wall Covering.Patterns.4.png (390.04 KiB)
- HDR_040_Field.hdr (106.52 MiB)
- License_Plat.tga (178.77 KiB)
- LS04brk1.tif (1.14 MiB)
- LS04brn1.tif (594.85 KiB)
- LS04brn2.tif (403.34 KiB)
- LS04lef1.tif (2.31 MiB)
- LS04lef1_a.tif (1.15 MiB)
- LS04lef2.tif (1.72 MiB)
- LS04lef2_a.tif (884.7 KiB)
- man-02.jpg (114.7 KiB)
- man-02_mask.jpg (39.88 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Alabaster.png (747.46 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Ashlar.Random.Broken Coursed.bump.png (1.16 MiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Ashlar.Random.Broken Coursed.jpg (425.08 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Fieldstone.Uncoarsed.Weathered.bump.png (1010.64 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Fieldstone.Uncoarsed.Weathered.jpg (321.83 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Marble.Square.Stacked.Polished.White.fine.bump.png (869.28 KiB)
- Masonry.Stone.Marble.Square.Stacked.Polished.White.fine.png (1.36 MiB)
- Masonry.Unit Masonry.Brick.Adobe.Running.bump.png (1.45 MiB)
- Masonry.Unit Masonry.Brick.Adobe.Running.jpg (397.73 KiB)
- MDS_Lights.tga (235.99 KiB)
- MDS_Tires.tga (768.04 KiB)
- Room_Lrg.hdr (5.32 MiB)
- silver_maple_honey.png (1.21 MiB)
- Simple_Metal_Mtl_Break_pattern.jpg (103.14 KiB)
- Simple_Metal_Mtl_Brush_pattern.jpg (205.09 KiB)
- Simple_Metal_Mtl_CheckerPlate_pattern.jpg (166.63 KiB)
- Simple_Metal_Mtl_DiamondPlate_pattern.jpg (188.61 KiB)
- Sitework.Paving - Surfacing.Pavers.4.bump.jpg (405.31 KiB)
- Sitework.Paving - Surfacing.Pavers.4.jpg (417.63 KiB)
- Sitework.Planting.Grass.Thick.jpg (758.41 KiB)
- Sitework.Planting.Grass.Thick512.jpg (276.46 KiB)
- Tegole proxy.mib (39.69 MiB)
- Tegole proxy.mib.bmp (66.26 KiB)
- TileSquareBump.png (15.06 KiB)
- Villa vegetazione end_2015.fgm (1.97 MiB)
- Villa vegetazione erba end_2015.fgm (4.82 MiB)
- Villa vegetazione erba IBL hdri end_2015.fgm (4.48 MiB)
- Villa vegetazione IBl hdri end_2015.fgm (2.03 MiB)
- wild_cherry_cherry.png (1.71 MiB)
- Woods&Plastics.FinishCarpentry.Wood.Goncalo.Bump.jpg (490.97 KiB)
- Woods&Plastics.FinishCarpentry.Wood.Goncalo.jpg (386.57 KiB)
- Woods & Plastics.Finish Carpentry.Wood.Red Birch.png (1.62 MiB)
- Woods & Plastics.Finish Carpentry.Wood.Red Oak.png (1.77 MiB)
- Woods & Plastics.Finish Carpentry.Wood.Walnut.png (1.29 MiB)
- ygrtile.jpg (30.66 KiB)
- 001_Autodesk Material start_2015.max (2.69 MiB)
- 002_Autodesk Material fade_2015.max (2.7 MiB)
- 003_Autodesk Material Map Glossiness_2015.max (2.82 MiB)
- 004_Autodesk Material Highlights Metallo_2015.max (2.71 MiB)
- 005_Autodesk Material Reflectivity_2015.max (2.84 MiB)
- 006_Autodesk Material Reflectivity e texture_2015.max (2.84 MiB)
- 007_Autodesk Material Reflectivity e Glossy Sample_2015.max (2.71 MiB)
- 008_Autodesk Material Transparency start_2015.max (3.9 MiB)
- 009_Autodesk Material Transparency bianca 60 - 80 - 100_2015.max (4 MiB)
- 010_Autodesk Material Transparency e Reflectivity_2015.max (4 MiB)
- 011_Autodesk Material Transparency e Image Fade_2015.max (3.89 MiB)
- 012_Autodesk Material Translucency_2015.max (3.91 MiB)
- 013_Autodesk Material Translucency Use_Map_2015.max (3.91 MiB)
- 014_Autodesk Material IOR_2015.max (3.92 MiB)
- 014_Autodesk Material Transparency e Glossy Reflectivity_2015.max (4.1 MiB)
- 015_Autodesk Material Cutout_2015.max (3.9 MiB)
- 016_Autodesk Material self illuimination start_2015.max (3.9 MiB)
- 017b_Autodesk Material self illuimination color_3_2015.max (4.02 MiB)
- 017_Autodesk Material self illuimination kelvin_1_2015.max (4.02 MiB)
- 017_Autodesk Material self illuimination kelvin_2_2015.max (4.02 MiB)
- 018_Autodesk Material self illuimination end_2015.max (360 KiB)
- 019_Autodesk Material Bump_2015.max (3.89 MiB)
- 020_Autodesk Material AO 20 - 40 - 60_2015.max (3.9 MiB)
- 021_Autodesk round corner start_2015.max (264 KiB)
- 022_Autodesk round corner end_2015.max (264 KiB)
- 023_Autodesk Max Trace Depth_2015.max (2.7 MiB)
- 024_Autodesk Max Trace Depth Refraction_2015.max (1.5 MiB)
- 025_Autodesk Max Trace Depth Refraction 15 end_2015.max (1.5 MiB)
- 026_Autodesk Bitmap UVW Map_2015.max (1.53 MiB)
- 027_Autodesk Bitmap Parametri_2015.max (1.51 MiB)
- 028_Autodesk Bitmap Summed Area_2015.max (1.51 MiB)
- _001 erba start_2015.max (612 KiB)
- _005 erba gruppo_2015.max (2.64 MiB)
- _006 erba attach_2015.max (35.8 MiB)
- _007 erba proxy_2015.max (107.51 MiB)
- _008_Villa_end_erba proxy_2015.max (7.43 MiB)
- _023_Autodesk material start cube_2015.max (1.43 MiB)
- _029_Villa_Start_2015.max (4.59 MiB)
- _030B_Villa_end_Sampling Unfied_2015.max (6.1 MiB)
- _030_Villa_end_2015.max (5.55 MiB)
- _031_Villa_IBL end_2015.max (6.34 MiB)
- _032_Villa_end_erba proxy IBL_2015.max (8.99 MiB)
- 1. 073_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad.mp4 (74.08 MiB)
- 2. 074_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad Reload.mp4 (53.76 MiB)
- 3. 075_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad Files.mp4 (18.66 MiB)
- 4. 076_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad material definition.mp4 (94.38 MiB)
- 5. 077_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad material assignement.mp4 (71.91 MiB)
- 6. 078_3dsmax_Link Maneger Autocad gestione profili.mp4 (99.57 MiB)
2. Autodesk Material
- 1. 079_3dsmax_Premessa Autodesk Materials.mp4 (26.7 MiB)
- 2. 080_3dsmax_Autodesk Materials introduzione.mp4 (60.55 MiB)
- 3. 081_3dsmax_Generic_Image_Use Color e Color by Object.mp4 (41.96 MiB)
- 4. 082_3dsmax_Generic_Image_texture.mp4 (75.94 MiB)
- 5. 083_3dsmax_Generic_Image_texture_fade.mp4 (67.93 MiB)
- 6. 084_3dsmax_Generic_Glossiness.mp4 (70.84 MiB)
- 7. 085_3dsmax_Map_Glossiness.mp4 (54.11 MiB)
- 8. 086_3dsmax_Generic_Highlights_Effetto_Metallo.mp4 (41.46 MiB)
- 9. 087_3dsmax_Reflectivity.mp4 (78.3 MiB)
- 10. 088_3dsmax_Reflectivity e Termodinamica.mp4 (47.62 MiB)
- 11. 089_3dsmax_Reflectivity Glossy Sample.mp4 (47.73 MiB)
- 12. 090_3dsmax_Transparency e Diffusione.mp4 (136.39 MiB)
- 13. 091_3dsmax_Transparency e Reflectivity.mp4 (61.4 MiB)
- 14. 092_3dsmax_Translucency_Use_Map.mp4 (102.03 MiB)
- 15. 093_3dsmax_Transparency e IOR.mp4 (65.42 MiB)
- 16. 094_3dsmax_Transparency e Glossy Reflectivity.mp4 (84.1 MiB)
- 17. 095_3dsmax_Cut-outs.mp4 (64.78 MiB)
- 18. 096_3dsmax_Self Illumination.mp4 (82.21 MiB)
- 19. 097_3dsmax_Self Illumination e Gradi Kelvin.mp4 (110.89 MiB)
- 20. 098_3dsmax_Self Illumination e texture.mp4 (67.59 MiB)
- 21. 099_3dsmax_Bump.mp4 (81.37 MiB)
- 22. 100_3dsmax_Ambient Occlusion.mp4 (105.35 MiB)
- 23. 101_3dsmax_Round Corner.mp4 (56.7 MiB)
- 24. 102_3dsmax_Max Trace Depth.mp4 (97.7 MiB)
- 25. 103_3dsmax_Max Trace Depth Refraction.mp4 (105.32 MiB)
- 26. 104_3dsmax_Autodesk Bitmap e UV Map.mp4 (90.69 MiB)
- 27. 105_3dsmax_Autodesk Bitmap Interpolarità.mp4 (76.24 MiB)
- 28. 106_3dsmax_Autodesk Bitmap Parametri.mp4 (127.12 MiB)
- 29. 107_3dsmax_Autodesk Librerie_1195_Materiali.mp4 (87.12 MiB)
3. Illuminazione, UVW e Material ID
- 1. 108_3dsmax_Villa_illuminazione.mp4 (78.88 MiB)
- 2. 109_3dsmax_Villa_UVW_Map.mp4 (19.98 MiB)
- 3. 110_3dsmax_Villa_Material_ID.mp4 (84.39 MiB)
4. Villa e Materiali
- 1. 111_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Muri.mp4 (103.4 MiB)
- 2. 112_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Colonne.mp4 (52.04 MiB)
- 3. 113_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Terrazzo.mp4 (61.12 MiB)
- 4. 114_3dsmax_Villa_Pavimenti_Esterni.mp4 (56.97 MiB)
- 5. 115_3dsmax_Villa_Erba_Atrio.mp4 (71.16 MiB)
- 6. 116_3dsmax_Villa_Atrio_Correzione_Colori.mp4 (87.82 MiB)
- 7. 117_3dsmax_Villa_Id_Pavimenti.mp4 (77.56 MiB)
- 8. 118_3dsmax_Villa_Pavimenti_Interni.mp4 (104.42 MiB)
- 9. 119_3dsmax_Villa_Davanzali_Finestre.mp4 (68.8 MiB)
- 10. 120_3dsmax_Villa_Finestre_AEC.mp4 (115.22 MiB)
- 11. 121_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Persiane.mp4 (37.7 MiB)
- 12. 122_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Porte.mp4 (87.73 MiB)
- 13. 123_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Porte_box.mp4 (90.3 MiB)
- 14. 124_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Travi_Legno.mp4 (69.06 MiB)
- 15. 125_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Camino.mp4 (104.26 MiB)
- 16. 126_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Falde_Tegole.mp4 (108.66 MiB)
- 17. 127_3dsmax_Villa_Materiali_Personaggio.mp4 (117.58 MiB)
5. Vegetazione Villa
- 1. 128_3dsmax_Vegetazione_Risorse_Seak.mp4 (58.58 MiB)
- 2. 129_3dsmax_Vegetazione_Mr_Proxy.mp4 (90.2 MiB)
- 3. 130_3dsmax_Merge_Vegetazione.mp4 (104.02 MiB)
6. Rendering Villa e Post Produzione
- 1. 131_3dsmax_Impostazioni_Rendering.mp4 (85.38 MiB)
- 2. 132_3dsmax_Composizione_Photoshop.mp4 (74.7 MiB)
- 3. 133_3dsmax_Rendering Villa Unfied.mp4 (48.13 MiB)
7. Esercizio Erba 3D Villa
- 1. 134_3dsmax_Esercizio erba 3d Paint.mp4 (94.48 MiB)
- 2. 135_3dsmax_Esercizio Gestione Gruppo erba.mp4 (87.99 MiB)
- 3. 136_3dsmax_Esercizio taglio erba.mp4 (99.81 MiB)
- 4. 137_3dsmax_Rendering Villa e Prato 3D.mp4 (168.28 MiB)
8. Nuovo Rendering HDRI
- 1. 138_3dsmax_Introduzione Ambiente Sferico.mp4 (34.65 MiB)
- 2. 139_3dsmax_Illuminazione Ambiente HDRI.mp4 (148.88 MiB)
- 3. 140_3dsmax_Final Ghater IBl in Clay.mp4 (168.56 MiB)
- 4. 141_3dsmax_Nuovo ActiveShade Mr.mp4 (156.68 MiB)
- 5. 142_3dsmax_Rendering Finale IBl.mp4 (164.4 MiB)
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